Our Deliverer.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

This week, I can't stop thinking of what I heard on Sunday.

Preaching from Hebrews 2:14-15,

May I live this way, fearless and confident in my Jesus. What hope we have in Christ!

To hear the sermon, go here. (It's the most recent sermon entitled, "The Mystery of the Incarnation.")


  1. I thought of you when I stumbled upon this website for recipes, and have enclosed the link to the gluten free ones. thought you might find some that will help in your goal to cook at home more. :) Blessings to your day!! jaclyn ><>


  2. Thank you for this! I love that first line: "There is nothing in Jesus we need to dread." With everything in this world, there is so much that can be put in the way between us and our relationship with Christ... doubt, worry, etc etc. As His children, we must remember to cling to HIM! Thank you!


  3. Thanks for your post today. It is hard sometimes when life seems to throw you a curve ball. In the middle of it you just don't understand the 'why'. But later on down the road you can see God's hand at work and see the blessing in it. Blessings to you!


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