Our hometown hero.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I had the privilege today of standing in the rain with a few hundred people who gathered to celebrate the homecoming of a hometown hero.

"This is a real hero you're about to see," mothers told their children.
A real hero is right.
Andrew Wilson graduated from the same high school that I did, and chose to go to Afghanistan to serve in the military this past year. While on patrol on October 19, Andrew was hit by an IED explosion and lost both legs as a result. He's had 11 surgeries with more to go, but he came home for Christmas today. Led by a full police escort and dozens of veterans on motorcycles, he waved at the crowds from his limo window and hopefully felt the pride his hometown had for him. Because for miles, people like me had tears in their eyes as they waved their flags and cheered him on.
We are so proud of you, Andrew.
Welcome home.


  1. How sweet, and what an inspiring story of true devotion to our country!

    Many Blessings,

  2. Wow. Two of my husband's best friends serve in the military, as well as our uncle, so this is so close to home. These pictures and your words captured the moment perfectly; I too shed a few tears. Thank you for sharing.

  3. This is beautiful. Welcome home!

  4. How sweet. I got a little bit teary. I have so much gratitude towards men and women like that. Welcome home to him! Great photos.


  5. I absolutely love the pictures you took. Especially the in awe faces of little boys who one day may aspire to being that hero. Thanks for sharing this, Whitney. I am thankful for people who serve us so sacrificially!

  6. Tears of gratitude. Thanks to Andrew, along with all the other men and women who sacrifice so much for us to have so much. And a special thank you to you for sharing and reminding us of how blessed we are this Christmas season.

  7. thanks for letting me come too...


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