DIY kitchen towels.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Last week, my friend Kate came over and we sewed and talked. And sewed and talked. Doing anything creative is our favorite thing to do together, but it's rare that we have the time cut out for it.

Kate brought bags of kitchen towels that she had found for $1.49 per pack, unopened from Goodwill and Ross. We both agreed that while the flour sack dish towels are prettier, they're definitely not as practical (I can't figure out how they dry anything). So barmop towels it was.

While this isn't much of a DIY how-to post, what we did was cut out long strips of 3" wide fabric, hem the bottom, fold over the top, pin it to the towel in a gathered ruffle, and sew. It was a little time consuming, but not hard at all. And the results are so whimsical and fun.

Kate cut out enough strips of fabric for about 10 more different towels, but we'll get to those next visit. For now, I'm excited to use my new (and really cheap) kitchen towels!


  1. Those are adorable!! I think I might try this myself!

  2. I love these! I immediately pinned them on pinterest & have gotten the most repins I have ever gotten on any other pin! Such a creative mind you have! Thanks for sharing with the rest of us :)

  3. Love this idea! Adds a little character and cuteness to your dish towels :)

    Bennett Love

  4. you read my mind. i was just thinking the other day about my ratty dish towels and how I want some that match my kitchen better. good call, whit. love these!

    1. Thanks, Whit. I wasn't too crazy about the colors (these aren't for my kitchen), but I love thinking about them in more muted or vintage fabrics!

  5. These are absolutely adorable! I love buying inexpensive towels and making them fun and frilly! Many blessings to you, and happy belated birthday! :)

  6. Whitney, where do you get your fabrics from? I love these prints I'm seeing!

  7. I usually buy fabric from Etsy or from, and a few are from Joann's. My favorite designers are Anna Maria Horner, Joel Dewberry, Tina Givens, and Amy Butler. I hope that helps!

  8. I wonder if you could embroider on these towels? I completely focuses on your comment about nonabsorbent towels. It's hard to find them in the store. I never thought about bar mop towels. That would solve my challenge! Oh, and I love the tutorial. Great idea! Thanks!!!

  9. This is perfect I have been looking for the "how to" since I'm not the most creative or genious.

  10. Sandy, I do machine embroidery on barmop towels...make great housewarming gifts.

  11. Thank you all so much for your input and words of advice. I was a little overwhelmed with all the choices out there. I've read quite a bit of information on the internet and felt that it would be best to get first hand knowledge from those that actually use the machines. I've been to a couple of stores and gotten a few demonstrations. Because of all of your help, I was able to ask the right questions. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! And Thank You Karen for doing the post. :-)

  12. I love your dish towels. Isn't it beautiful how something as simple as a good dish towel can bring happiness?

  13. Your article cover all the major aspects of the topic. Simply amazing. embroidery digitizing


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