Sweet girls.

Friday, February 10, 2012

During our first year of marriage while we lived in Chicago, I got to be this little cutie's full-time nanny.

When we moved, my dear friend Kirra took over the job and has been with her - and now her little sister - for the last two and a half years. This little girl has grown into a big girl and I can hardly believe it.
It had been such a long time since I'd seen her, and I loved seeing her as a little person with so much personality! Interestingly enough, instead of being shy around me, she climbed into my lap and just started hugging me and saying, "I love you so much!" with a huuuuge smile on her face. Kirra said she never really acts like that, and it made us wonder, does she remember me? Is it my voice? My smell? I really think she must have... and it melted my heart. Kirra has done such an amazing job as their nanny, and it's obvious how they adore her. It's obvious, too, in how they're learning so much from her... and I know she's probably learned quite a bit from juggling two. Wow. What a sweet time!


  1. What a sweetheart! Children are such a blessing and a delight to be around! :)

  2. That was just seriously too fun to see. She NEVER does that with people she's just meeting (and even people she's met multiple times!) So amazing how they develop & change & how much it all matters so much to their little hearts. That last pic of Charlotte girl kills me. So sweet.

  3. This is precious!! She is seriously a cutie. ( And so is her sister!) What sparkly eyes. :)

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