A fun little video.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Shawn and I went over to my parents' house for dinner a couple weeks ago, and soon after we arrived, Shawn said, "Hey, I have this new app on my phone that I want to show you. Can we go outside where the lighting is better and I'll take a picture?" 

And it went like this...
Are my parents' faces not priceless?! I think I've watched this video at least 30 times. It was quite an overwhelming moment for all of us (hence my constant nervous laughter). I'm so glad we captured this moment for all time. 

(Many more details to come... don't you worry.) :)


  1. That is brilliant! I'm filing that idea away. And also, congratulations!!! So exciting!

    1. Thanks!! We read about the idea on some pregnancy forum somewhere and had to do it. :)

  2. Lol! What a fun, cute way to break the news. : ) Congratulations! And yes, the looks on their faces are absolutely priceless.

  3. Awww I love this!! Congratulations, what a blessing!

  4. Congratulations Miss Whitney!! I've been praying over your adoption process so I'll add this little baby to the list, too!


    1. Thanks so much Katie. :) I just put up the story above this post about how our adoption played into this whole thing (and we are definitely still on that journey too!). Thanks for your prayers. :)

  5. Congrats Whitney! Such a sweet blessing

  6. Whitney! Shut the front door! Congrats to you both...I'll be anxiously awaiting more details! :-)

  7. And I just have to add that your dad is just absolutely adorable. ADORABLE.

  8. Super sweet! Congratulations!!

  9. That is beyond precious. And I got a little teary eyed. I am so happy for you, congratulations!!! How clever of him to think of that!

  10. Oh my goodness, this is so neat! Love your parent's reaction, especially your dad at the end. ;) Congratulations!!

  11. this is hilarious! congratulations!!

  12. This made em all teary! Congrats you guys!

  13. AHHHHH!!!! This is making me laugh and cry all at the same happy time!!! I LOVE THIS VIDEO! Precious, beautiful, delightful. xo

  14. This video is SO special! What an amazing way to tell your parents the GREAT news!

  15. Congratulations & what a GREAT story!! So happy for you & I LOVE that you have that gift from God & His perfect timing!

  16. Awesome to see that video with audio! Honored to be among the first to know. Ruby is thrilled by the way!

    1. (And she's a November/Fall baby!)

    2. Thanks, Mandie! I didn't realize the video was without sound when I sent it to y'all (sorry!). Thanks for being excited with us (Ruby included).

    3. We called my folks today and Ruby was talking to them. They mentioned Nashville and Ruby looked confused. I told her that's where you live. A couple minutes later, she said to my mom, "Whitney is having a baby!" And she got all excited all over again! And...having read your more-recent "Letter to a baby" I just wanted to say, I am a not-at-home-100%-of-the-time-mom and it definitely has made me a better mom to have some "me" and "adult" time away from the kids. I am a 92%-stay-at-home-mom. (That's 12 hrs a week during the school year job!) You'll be great. Enjoy the ride!

    4. Aww I love it!!! Miss you guys!

  17. Congratulations Whitney! :) This video was too, too precious!

  18. hahahaha! This is absolutely classic. Top points to Shawn for thinking of such a clever way to break the news! :) This made me smile so much. I love your mum's exciting stomping! "A new app on your phone?!?! Oh my - come here!!!" haha - so precious :)

    1. And also I may or may not have watched this four times in a row - I just can't get enough of their facial expressions!!! So funny :)

  19. cutest thing ever. amazing. and... Yay!
    I got all teary.

  20. Whitney, when I read this post the first time the other day the video wasn't there, but today it was!!! So precious. I teared up watching your parents faces. Congratulations to you and Shawn!

  21. I am totally going to steal this and use it on my parents someday! How fun to have their first reactions recorded! :) I look forward to hearing how God builds your family through adoption and birth as you serve Him.

  22. i found your blog by getting a link to your bow clutch tutorial.

    i watched this video and actually cried - it was so sweet!!



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