
Monday, March 12, 2012

We're home now.
And it feels so, so good.
Traveling is, by far, one of our sweetest joys in life - but to be home after a long trip might just top the feeling. The comfort here just doesn't compare.

It's rainy and warm and muggy today, and it's nice to get back into the swing of things - especially considering that the "swing of things" only includes nursing school for 7 more weeks. 7 more weeks! I could not be more relieved about that. (Anyone can get through 7 weeks, right?!)

On the tail end of our trip last week, we swung through Durham, North Carolina to visit Shawn's brother and sister-in-law, Erik & Shannon. Our visit with them was too short (as it always is), but the morning we left we had a chance to stop by Shannon's art studio.

Let me just say... Shawn and I both come from amazingly talented, artistic, creative families.
Shawn's parents are musicians. My parents are musicians. Shawn's brother is a graphic designer and web developer. My sister plays piano, writes songs, and sings. And Shannon - our sister-in-law - is an artist. A real artist. An artist with her own studio.

We left inspired. Her space is so uniquely her, and I can only imagine it sparks a million ideas as she walks through the door. 

To learn more about Shannon's art, visit her website here: Shannon Newby
And to purchase, visit her Etsy shop here: Newby Art


  1. Glad you were inspired. Our time together was way too short! I love these pictures...I may have to steal them for my own blog! ;)

  2. Shannon is truly gifted with a beautiful and unique perspective for art. I love her creations, and found her website to be so neat! Thanks for sharing, Whitney! :)

  3. Her studio is gorgeous. And for some reason I thought they lived on the west coast...whoops!

  4. y'all sure have some talented genes, how wonderful! i reaaaaally love that piece in the first picture!
    and 7 more weeks?!?!? you can do it! so jealous! i have 6 more months of PA school left and it seems like 6 more years.

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