1st trimester.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter bump.
It's hard to believe I only have a couple more weeks of my first trimester! I have been so lucky to feel pretty great the whole time. I wanted to record a few things I've been thinking and feeling so I don't forget. It's like my own little pregnancy journal for everyone to see (ha!). And no, I won't be updating it weekly or anything. :)

Fatigue. I can't tell if it's because I'm going non-stop with my last semester of nursing school, or because I'm pregnant (probably a combination) but I could easily take a nap every day. And sometimes I do.

Weight gain. I've only gained 2 lbs, but still, seeing those numbers on the scale rising is a strange feeling. I know it's normal and good... just a little weird when I'm not used to gaining weight. I do have a tiny bump that looks like I've eaten a really huge meal. Awesome. :)

Pregnant brain. It's real! I used to doubt it with friends who blamed "pregnant brain" for almost everything, but now I'm taking it all back. I have trouble remembering what I'm doing in the laundry room (I just arrive there and have no clue why), trouble remembering phone numbers, etc. etc. It's a little unnerving as I'm about to take the biggest exam of my LIFE in a few weeks, but hey. God knows. :)

Evening sickness.I've been so fortunate to have no morning sickness at all, and I often say to Shawn, "I love being pregnant! This is so much easier than I expected!" And then 8pm hits, and I take it back. I usually just end up going to bed soon after because once I fall asleep, I'm good to go.

Food aversions. I ate black pepper chips during the first few weeks (while in Charleston), and because of it, black pepper is at the top of my least favorite foods right now. I probably won't eat it (and definitely not a black pepper chip!) for the rest of my pregnancy.

So looking at these headings, they look much more terrible than I've actually felt. Overall, it's just such a privilege to have a tiny human being growing inside of me right now! It's so faith building, too. Other than eating healthy and avoiding things I know are harmful, there's not much I can do in the way of growing a baby - God does every little bit. That's such a comfort to me. The fact that He has chosen Shawn and me to be this little person's Mom and Dad is humbling and beautiful.


  1. Gorgeous bump! Go God! Hopefully baby brain will disappear during exam time!

  2. So excited for you! Thank you for the update. =) And I agree, that is a beautiful baby bump <3

  3. What an amazing time! Just wait till you feel the little one move for the first time, your heart will skip a beat!

  4. I never officially congratulated you, Whitney! I am over the moon for you! What a wonderful blessing ;) Your bump is the cutest, my friend.

  5. Yes, your body kind of turns inside out when you're pregnant. I am 6 weeks postpartum and my body is turning right side in now. It's like everything was in upheaval and now it's trying to go back to normal!! It's an experience for sure!! And feeling the baby move inside you is one of the most amazing feelings in the world!

    1. Ahh I can't wait to feel that!! I'm really excited to hear the heartbeat soon, too (we've seen it, but haven't heard it yet). With the midwife, my visits are pretty few and far between (compared to an OB), so I have all this pent up excitement for my next appointment in another month. :)

  6. Thanks for letting us be part of your exciting journey. I have been following your blog for a while and just love the way you write about the little and big things in your life. I am a midwife myself and it is cool to read about all your feelings and experiences. I really wish you all the best for your pregnancy...

    1. I love that you're a midwife!!! I would love to be someday. :) Thanks, Anneke!

  7. congrats! this is such a blessing, and i cant wait to read about your journey through this! best wishes for you two and your little peanut!


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