Pregnancy sleep.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I see 3:47am every. single. morning.

For some reason, no matter what time I go to bed, I wake up at this magic hour and cannot fall back asleep. I lie there for an hour or so, then finally get up to drink warm almond milk, walk around our dark house and try to get tired again (ha!), get back in bed, stare at the wall, and finally just resolve that this is my new wake up time.

Can I blame pregnancy for this? When I search "pregnancy insomnia" a whole host of articles and forums come up, saying, "insomnia is relatively common and is caused by the hormonal changes of pregnancy" - so it must be the reason.  Lovely. I've never ever had trouble sleeping (Shawn jokes about how hard I sleep!), so maybe this is just the preparation for the major lack of sleep I'm about to get with a new baby.

Anyone experienced this? Have any tips? I'll try just about anything! :)


  1. i thought the lack of sleep comes much later when you are nearer the end. Perhaps a cup of warm milk before you go to bed might help

  2. For most of my pregnancy I woke up in the 5am hour. Turns out that's when Abigail was born!! I also think it's Gods kind way of preparing us for little-to-no sleep!

    1. Aww that's sweet. Maybe ours will be 3:47am. Though I think I'd prefer 3:47PM. :)

  3. Melatonin. you should be able to buy it in the vitamin area of any store. it's natural and safe to take pregnant. Not being able to sleep is the worst. Although, at the end of your pregnancy I do believe it's God's way of preparing us for no sleep:)

    1. Ooh thank you. I hadn't really thought of that and didn't know it was ok for pregnancy. I will totally try it!

  4. Early on I woke up at 4ish. I started moving my bedtime earlier and kind of embraced it. I used the morning to read for Bible study or other things.

    Towards the end of this pregnancy, I started having trouble falling asleep. I drank tea and when it was really bad I will take a Unisom. The one with doxylamine not diphenhydramine hydrochloride. It comes is 25 mg, but I usually just take a half of one. It has been proven safe in pregnancy. I used to take melatonin - but as far as I know it has never been tested for pregnancy or breastfeeding as safe or unsafe. I stopped taking it.

    Good luck - not sleeping is hard. Praying for you.

    1. Yes, I take a whole Unisom tablet (NOT the geltab) every night, as I am pregnant too. I do homebirth, non medicated labor and all, but I need to sleep and to be rested to function. I find that this is my only way. I sleep so much better and am a better mommy the next day because of it. Also, I have been told that a quick absorbing liquid or powder to make a drink of Calcium Magnesium is very effective for some.

  5. Yes...I wake up around 4:30 every a.m. to pee and then feel awake and not sleeping well the rest of the morning. I'm 21 weeks pregnant. This doesn't happen to me other then in pregnancy :(

  6. Dude. I haven't slept through the night in 7 months and I'm thinking the last stretch of this pregnancy will just get worse. I made a bedtime ritual to help me fall asleep (warm bath, tea, books & journaling) but throughout the night it's hard to get back to sleep. Warm milk sometimes help and getting out of bed and moving to the couch sometimes helps me fall back asleep.

    That was a novel. And I'm praying for your interview riiiiiiiight now.

  7. i woke up at 5am this morning because i couldnt sleep so i just got ready and into work an hour earlier than i had to haha I did go on facebook though and saw you on as well :) i knew that meant it was 4am in nashville and that you probably couldnt sleep :( sorry, friend!

  8. this post made me smile:o)...with both of my pregnancies i'm awake from 3am to 5am every single morning. i do the same thing, drink hot tea, wander around my house, check facebook...i'm sure i could find something more productive to do with my time but i'm such a zombie at that hour!!! it's only while i'm pregnant weird...

  9. Oh guys... I'm SO glad to know I'm not alone! :)

  10. I was the same way, 3 to 5 am every morning. I ended up watching abc morning news. Wonder how those co-hosts are doing 2yrs+ since my pregger days. I do believe it helped with when the baby came and the royal wedding ;)

  11. Benadryl is fine to take and it helped me through both of my pregnancies!

  12. Like Lauren, I smiled as I read this post. I had totally forgotten about waking up at odd, early-hours of the am while I was pregnant. But I did - and early in my pregnancy, too! Not sure if it's common, but it looks like you aren't alone. :)

  13. Like Cassandra, I used benedryl EVERY night to help sleep. With Lucy I also had some pain problems, so Tylenol PM. It was doctor approved. It helped me fall asleep and stay asleep.

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  15. sleep is really one of the major problems that soon to be mothers are facing. I think you have to consult a sleep expert and your doctor if you are experiencing pregnancy insomnia.

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