How we spent the weekend.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Whit Winkler and I had a lot of fun running our first booth at the Strawberry Patch Barn Sale this weekend! It was quite literally in a barn... in the middle of nowhere... and a bunch of talented ladies transformed it into such a beautiful event.

Our booth
And hey, look! We even had a customer! :)
 And live music! 
Hope your weekend was happy like ours.


  1. what a cute booth! i'm always interested in craft fair success. did you have any? either way it looks like a great weekend!!

  2. How fun! I wish I could of been there! :)

  3. LOVE. Love all the goodies & love you both.

  4. I see a very teeny tiny baby bump! haha

  5. Gorgeous photos!! I want to be wherever this is and I REALLY want that hanging lamp. Adorbs!

  6. Oh how I wish I could buy everything. What a cute barn! Looks like you two had tonnes of fun!

  7. Oh my goodness! Your pictures are adorable! Looks like you guys had a wonderful weekend. I hope the festival was a success! I love your blog and always enjoy reading your posts. Thanks girl!:)


    Molly Jane

    P.S. Stop by and say hello!


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