Enjoy him.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Yesterday afternoon, I had a small window of time to get some sewing done. I fed Liam, put him in his swing in the sewing room, put on some Christmas music, and faced a small mountain of orders. Within about 5 minutes, Liam was squirming and fussing and I could tell my small window was closing quickly. I put his pacifier back in his mouth and turned up the speed of the swing, hoping to buy myself just 20 more minutes or so.

When I stepped back for a second, I saw the pile of fabric and orders to be done... and then I saw his scrunched little face, just wanting to be held by his mama. And I felt convicted. If I've ever heard the Lord speak, it was now: "Enjoy your son."

I felt His prompting so clearly that I couldn't do anything else but put down my scissors, turn off the iron, and pick up my baby. We headed to his nursery with a book that his daddy read when he was a little boy. We read for a while, sang a little, then took a much needed nap together.

I'm sure all moms go through this - the battle between quality time with our kids and tackling the ever present to-do list. For me, it feels like a constant struggle. I thrive on being productive, and I place way too much of my self worth on how much I get done in a day. And to be honest, I know that the quality time won't always win out. As nice as it would be to spend all day cuddling and singing and reading, sometimes it's just imperative that certain things get done.

Yesterday, though, the decision was clear. If it means staying up later tonight to get orders done, then so be it. But 5, 10, or 15 years from now, it's a decision I will look back on with gratitude.


  1. I struggle with this daily as well. Sometimes I get frustrated that Millie wants to be held when I am trying to have a productive day, but then I remember that soon I will go back to work and she will get a little bit bigger. And eventually she will no longer want to fall asleep in my arms and cuddle into my chest.

  2. I wrestle more with the silly notions of having a spoiled baby who will only sleep in my arms, so I try to balance cuddly time with crib time.... and still find myself scooping him out of his crib for more snuggles. Are you planning on going back to work?? I dread the day when I will have to return to work and spend over half of the day away from him! (I do my best to not think about that right now!!)

  3. Thanks for sharing these thoughts Whitney, I've been working through a similar situation. As I was praying about it with my husband I realized that I was placing my worth in how much I accomplished in a day and not in what Christ has ALREADY accomplished for me on the cross. It's been a humbling realization and multiple-times-a-day pep talks have been helpful. "Sarah, you are not defined by how much you get done, but by the by the work that Jesus did for you on the cross. You are redeemed, justified and loved."

    Liam is beautiful - I'm so glad you are enjoying everyday moments with him! My son will be 1 next week - time FLIES!

  4. I keep thinking these same thoughts as I go about our day with our sometimes happy sometimes cranky teething little girl. Must enjoy this baby stage to the fullest...especially if she's the only one the Lord gives to us!

  5. This is tough regardless, but I think even more so if you are running a business from home. It's not just leaving dirty dishes in the sink or an un-vacuumed floor, but there are people waiting on orders. Yes, I struggle with this daily having 4 kids and a at home handmade business. Let me know when you come up with an answer!

  6. So inspiring and very much what I want to be reminded of 4+ months from now. Sending love to you!

  7. Your son is adorable! I love reading your blog... I just wanted to show you though, I found this on pinterest and it may not be what I think it is, but honestly, it looked like a badly-done, slightly-tweaked version of your beautiful bow bag... I don't want someone else stealing your ideas, so I thought I'd just pass it along in case: http://www.u-createcrafts.com/2011/08/creative-guest-bow-pouch-tutorial-by.html

  8. I don't yet what it's like being mother, but I do know that when I have a baby, I'll try to dedicate as much time to him/her as I can. I hope my husband will be supportive, and we will be enjoying parenthood together:)
    Your Liam is so cute and he has already some thoughts in his eyes:) He is growing, you see:)Hugs, Anna.

  9. Good for you! The baby days go by in a flash---and you can never go back to a newborn (your first, at that!). Enjoy him, for sure! Babies don't keep, but work can be delayed until later. You are such a great mom!

  10. SO true, each phase goes by SO fast ! !

  11. Your post reminded me of a time when my first was just a baby (I am a mother of four grown children). After a day of doing nothing but hold my fussy baby all day, my husband came home to a messy house full of chaos and no dinner. I apologized saying, "I am sorry, I didn't get a thing done today." And he replied, "Yes, you did, you were a mom today."* Just what I need to hear right then. That helped me so much to remember whenever I had a day that my children just needed me. I know you probably are feeling pressure with the holiday season and orders to fill, but take some time to just be a mom. I know it is a cliche, but they grow up so fast!!

    *Oh- and I must say that that is also one of the many reasons that I am still married to that same guy almost 35 years later :]


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