
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

via Instagram @whitneynewby
 Over my birthday dinner last night, Shawn asked me to list my top three moments from my 26th year.

"That's easy," I said, remembering what a packed year 2012 was for me. "Getting my nursing degree, starting my first hospital job, and having a baby."

"I don't think those are really your favorites," he said confidently. (He knows me too well.)

So I started over.

"Finding out we were having a baby. Spending 9 months with just me and him, talking to him and singing hymns to him. Seeing his face for the first time when you laid him on my chest." As I said those things, tears came to my eyes. Because it's all true. I always knew I wanted to be a mom, but never had a clue how much I would adore being his mom. And those moments last year were too precious for words.

Needless to say, we missed our little guy yesterday as we ventured to Chicago, but we savored the uninterrupted time together, the incredible food, and the sweet friends we saw.

What a blessing to have been given another year. This past year was pretty big. This next year has a lot of potential (and a lot of unspoken hopes and prayers). Thank you for all your sweet birthday messages. Your constant encouragement is such a gift.

PS - It's hard for me to believe that this was my 6th birthday to spend with Shawn! My 21st was before we were dating, and Ilene reminded me of this picture taken during our fun trip to New York that year... Time flies.


  1. I love that you were able to take a trip back to where it all began... and to see how the Lord has moved + worked over the years! Such a beautiful family. Happy Birthday Whitney:)

  2. Glad you had such a good day. Happy Birthday!

  3. Aww. So sweet! Hey! Is that a Gamboa girl in that last picture???

  4. happy Birthday sweet girl! I sure do enjoy your blog:) Hope your trip was fun!! xo
    Love from Chattanooga:)

  5. Happy Birthday,Whitney! Wishing you all the happiness, more of it each day! Be healthy and enjoy your life!
    Your family looks wonderful !God bless!

  6. Happy (belated) birthday girl! I just love the dynamic between you and Shawn. It's the sweetest thing.

  7. Happy birthday! What a wonderful way to spend your birthday.

  8. Time really does fly.
    In a couple of weeks I'll be turning 25- I feel like I just celebrated my 16th!

    So glad that you've had such a productive, amazing past year.

    Manda from Eat Cake

  9. That is incredibly precious. Although I do not yet know what it is like to be a mom, I could imagine that those moments were the sweetest :)


  10. Hello, I just found your blog today 10/2013 and I clicked on this post because I'm 27 too and was wondering how far off in age we were, not much. Blogs are weird, you can read and connect with someone you don't even know! Ha!
    Anyway, it was nice to read about what God is doing in your life and I hope that this 27th year or 28th year (I never get it right), has brought new growth in Christ!


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