
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

When I found out I was pregnant with Liam almost a year ago, one fear I faced was that my desire to adopt would have to be put on the back burner for a while. If you remember, we had just begun the paperwork to pursue adoption in Vietnam when we discovered I was already pregnant. (How's that for God's timing?) Of course, our pursuit of adoption did have to be put aside for a little while. But since holding Liam in my arms and feeling the depth of love I have for him as his mother, my passion for adoption has only grown. To imagine Liam in the shoes of one of millions of kids without parents... without love, without hope, without attention, without even his most basic needs met - it breaks my heart in half. The reality is, there are millions of kids who will spend their childhoods in an orphanage or an institution in deplorable conditions. Hundreds of millions, actually. And I don't know about you, but I can't just sit back and watch it happen.

As believers, every single one of us is called to care for orphans and widows. However, I don't believe that all people are called to adopt. And yes, there's still such a need for foster care and local adoption. And there's still such a need for international adoption. There are children in Haiti and China and Vietnam and Russia who will age out of the system before they've ever known what it is to be part of a family. Children who will simply not be adopted by natives of their own country. (For more on this, this article is really helpful... Why International Adoption Still Matters).

There's a new documentary coming out that I can't wait to see. It chronicles just how difficult international adoption can be... and let me say, it looks amazing. Try watching this trailer without tears. I don't know if it's possible.

STUCK TRAILER from Both Ends Burning Campaign on Vimeo.

Oh, Lord, break our hearts for the things that break Your heart and give us passion for the things you love. Amen.


  1. hi, Whitney!
    The video is heart breaking, but also inspiring, as I know that many people still adopt and bring difference into children's lives. This is very rewarding. I live in India now, so the problem of orphan children is very actual here. Me and my husband don't have children yet, but even he was saying that may be it's better to adopt... But, as a woman, want to have my own child, at least one. Then may be we could think of adoption too.
    Thanks for sharing such important matter!

  2. thanks for sharing.... Adoption is very close to my heart as I work with girls that are facing an unwanted pregnancy. Adoption is so much the better option when compared with abortion, short term for the baby and long term for the mother!

  3. Adoption is such a wonderful gesture to the world. I`ve always wanted to adopt, but it has become increasinly more difficult to adopt internationally in Norway!

  4. whitney you just have me in shambles over here! that video, i can't even handle it...all those babies crunched together on those beds...God has been speaking to me for quite some time about adoption...thanks for bringing awareness about international adoption on your blog! i think God's trying to tell me something.

  5. Hi Whitney! You don't know me, but I have been following your blog for a year now (love it). I saw this video and immediately thought if you and your passion for adoption: Not sure if that link will work, but regardless, many blessings to you!

    1. Thank you for posting that! I saw the video a couple weeks ago (and cried, of course) but haven't been able to find it again. So thank you!!

  6. As an adoptive mom (x2), I agree that we are are called to care for those that are vulnerable and that it can look different for many people. Not all of us are called to adopt, but we can support children through foster care, supporting (practically and financially) adoptive families, become a court appointed special advocate for children, sponsor a child and so many other options.
    It's interesting to me how many people are interested in adoption but feel like it doesn't work for their family for one reason or another and become discouraged instead of moving forward in other ways to help the many, many children around the world that adoption is not an option for. Thanks for putting those things out there!
    I look forward to seeing what is ahead for your family!

  7. I wasn't expecting to cry...but I did. My best friend and her two brothers were adopted (domestically)and I can't imagine what their lives would have been like if they were adopted. My desire to adopt has just increased...


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