Liam's baby book.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Before Liam turned one, my big goal was to finish (and start!) his baby book. I knew if his first birthday passed me by, I'd be a lot less motivated to get it done. I hadn't kept a traditional book of when he sat up for the first time or the date of his first giggle or even his monthly weight/height stats. I had, however, written him lots of letters here on the blog and taken thousands of pictures. So the task of making a book that wasn't 200 pages long was a challenge. But I did it! And it arrived just in time for his birthday. 
 It's the largest hardcover size you can make through Apple (13" x 10") and, though it was the most expensive book I've probably ever purchased, it was worth every penny for the keepsake that it is.
I know there are a myriad of options of where you can make books like these. I basically just found a few blog posts I wanted to include, letters for every month, and my very favorite pictures of Liam (I narrowed it down to about 200) and got started in iPhoto. It's super user friendly, comes installed on any Mac computer, and only took me 3-4 hours in all.

Maybe seeing this will motivate some of you to do the same. :)


  1. Wow, Whitney! It's beautiful! What a precious gift to Liam. Thank you for sharing it. My little girl turns one in January and I never even thought about using iphoto to make her book, but it makes sense because all of my photos are already there. Happy belated birthday to Liam. :)

  2. It's beautiful and something cherish forever!

  3. I basically just found a few blog posts I wanted to include thanks)

  4. Beautiful and what a gorgeous prayer and verse! Another comfort of walking in and loving the Light!

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  6. What a beautiful tribute to your beautiful boy!


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