
Monday, December 9, 2013

Over the past couple years, I've gotten a few inquiries for blog sponsorship. From nutritional drinks to clothing stores to Etsy shops, when people asked if they could sponsor my blog, my answer has always been a resounding, "Thanks so much for asking, but no."

That's been for two reasons:
1. I've seen so many blogs who take sponsorships lose their authenticity. 
2. I've also seen blogs lose their content, when posts are cluttered with promotions for sponsors. You have to weed through lots of sponsored posts before finding something that resembles the blog you used to love.

For obvious reasons, I've never wanted either of those things. This space has been so sacred for me and my family as we've told our story and lived our lives as authentically as possible on these pages.

At the same time, the community that has grown through this blog over the past nearly five years (can you believe it's been that long?!) has been such an encouragement and such a surprise. You guys have supported me and my family through so many different seasons, and most recently as I've become a work-at-home mom with a busy boy and a busy shop.

So I feel like it's time to give back, and also to take the next step with this blog. Many of you have blogs and shops that align with what this space stands for, and I'd love for you to have the opportunity to advertise here among readers who may not have heard of your corner of the internet. Brighter Day has been helped quite a bit by advertising with a few select blogs in the past, and readers who never would've heard of it have come and shopped and spread the word.

So starting January 1, I'll be offering a limited number of ad spots on the sidebar. At least for now, sponsorships will not include separate feature posts, but will include a once-a-month sponsor feature and group giveaway (if you're interested). I'll keep spots limited and prices reasonable to just try it out, and I've committed to trying it for 3 months, then reassessing.

If that sounds interesting to you, feel free to send me an email (whitney {at} elmstreetlife.com) and we can chat. I'd be happy to send you information on my blog statistics and pricing and see if it might be a fit.

And to my wonderfully supportive readers... let me promise you that very little is about to change. You'll have some pretty ads on the sidebar of shops and blogs that I think you should visit - and you'll have the opportunity to enter a once-a-month giveaway. And that's it. If it doesn't feel right after 3 months, things will go back to the way they've always been: ad free.

Thanks, friends!

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