Let It Go.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I haven't even seen Frozen yet (shame!) BUT I've loved listening to the music on repeat and I just couldn't help share this cover of "Let It Go." I couldn't love this any more. The African feel, the incredibly talented kids choir, the costuming, and Lexi Walker. Who is she? She's unbelievable.

Anyway, happy Tuesday! Enjoy.


  1. wow! That just gave me the chills..... How asorable is that girl?!

  2. I know!! I can't stop listening to this song! There was an article about this cover on Yahoo yesterday since it's gotten so many hits in a short amount of time. According to the article, Lexi is 11 years old from Utah and has only been taking voice lessons for 6 months! So talented!

  3. Amazing. Whatever you do...don't google her. Then you'll be stuck watching all of her videos on YouTube. ;)

  4. I've seen Frozen 5 times already and I have my DVD copy on pre-order...It is fantastic!!
    Have you seen this one:

    It's "Let It Go" with all the languages they produce the movie in put together. I can't stop watching it!

  5. OH my gosh. Is that her real hair? I'm dying. I love it.

  6. WHITNEY! You've made my day 100x better! Dear Lord, she's talented! ...Now to go share this with all the girls I know who can't get enough frozen! =) Thank you!

  7. Wow, this is awesome! thanks for sharing.

  8. I've been listening to this (the original version) all day! I haven't seen the film either. (:


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