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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

{Completed this week}

The Help by Kathryn Stockett
I'm sure many of you have seen the movie, so it may have moved off your radar (or perhaps you didn't know it was first a book?). I really appreciated the movie adaptation, though Shawn reminds me that when we first saw it, I told him, "I never want to watch that again." It made me sweat and squirm, watching the inexcusable treatment of so many African Americans in our very recent history.  I picked up the book after several recommendations, and while it's a bit of a commitment (450 pages), it reads quickly and feels like an instant classic. When I read the final pages through tears at 1am, I didn't want it to end. What Kathryn Stockett attempted in writing this book was gutsy: writing in the voices of one white woman and two black women. As one who lived with "colored help" and grew up in Jackson, Mississippi where the story is set, she handles the subject with grace and honesty. This was her first novel, and I surely hope it isn't her last.

Comforts from the Cross: Celebrating the Gospel One Day at a Time by Elyse Fitzpatrick
I've already written briefly about this book here and it was every bit as wonderful as I expected. Highly recommend.

{Want to read}
Hands Free Mama: A Guide to Putting Down the Phone, Burning the To-Do List, and Letting Go of Perfection to Grasp What Really Matters! by Rachel Macy Stafford
Love Story: The Hand that holds us from the garden to the gates by Nichole Nordeman
Carry On, Warrior: Thoughts on Life Unarmed by Glennon Doyle Melton

Also, I've just re-added the "reading" tab at the top of your screen. I need to do some editing to update with recent titles, but if you're looking for some of my favorite all-time books, please visit! And, if you're willing, leave some of your favorites in the comments.


  1. I loved reading The Help. It was disturbing, but sometimes we need to be disturbed a little bit! The question that it always raises with me is who are the people groups today that are mistreated and am I contributing or fighting against it?

  2. Oooh, Loved The Help. It was definitely uncomfortable, but so good. Growing up in Georgia with some very racist roots in my family, it especially unnerved me.

    I just recently finished Feathers from my Nest by Beth Moore, and even though I'm not typically a Beth fan, I adored this book! A definite read for moms. (Look for a full review on the blog soon ;))

  3. I am currently reading "Give Them Grace" by Fitzpatrick. It's a grace-based parenting perspective that I am really enjoying.

  4. Have you ever read Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd? She just came out with another book but I don't remember the name of it. Only book I have ever read cover to cover in one sitting!

  5. reading and sharing books are two of my favorite things! I enjoyed the Help, but it was a tough book to swallow. I have some Southern roots, and its sad to know how true these things were.
    Some of my favorite devotional type books are Elisabeth Elliot books. Keep a Quiet Heart is good with little ones. They're short reads, but powerful and convicting. She also wrote Shaping of a Christian family....I love it. I love history reads...ZVI, Unbroken, Endurance, are all great. I'm starting Lone Survivor. One of my all time favorite reads is Stepping Heavenward. Keep sharing and let me know if you read any of these.

    1. Jessica, I LOVE your recommendations.

      I love Keep a Quiet Heart, but haven't read Shaping of a Christian Family. I also started ZVI per your recommendation and am totally fascinated by it.. such an incredible story. I adored Unbroken (and can't wait for the movie!), haven't read Endurance or Lone Survivor or Stepping Heavenward. Thank you for the recommendations! I've loved every one I've taken you up on so far. :)


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