One Message.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I have a talented family. I'm sure I've mentioned it here more than a few times. I'm proud of their gifts, but prouder that they use those gifts to bless the church and serve the Lord.

Shawn was recently asked to write a song for our church's upcoming missions festival, and this is the song he wrote. Shawn and my dad recorded the song in my parents' studio when we were in Nashville a couple weeks ago, so what you hear is all them. (Oh, and me... in the background singing.)

On Friday night, Shawn will share this song at our church - with our choir and orchestra! - with dozens of missionaries who have flown in to join us, or are joining us via Skype. It feels very full circle as Shawn is a missionary kid and is now encouraging other missionaries. We pray it touches many hearts, and I'm excited to share it with you, too.

For some reason, it's not playing in all browsers when you click the PLAY button. If you'll click on the song title, "One Message" it will take you to the SoundCloud website and you can hear it there. 


  1. what a wonderful and encouraging song. I love the music. Thanks for sharing! Very encouarging! Touched as a missionary :)

  2. Beautiful! And what a great voice you have! Blessings!

  3. Beautiful! There is nothing like leading others in worship with your husband. It's been one of the most amazing experiences of my life and I love that you get to experience this as well.

  4. What a beautiful song and message! Thank you for sharing! :)

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  6. So beautiful! He is the Way, the Truth & the Life…reminded of this as I listened. Encouraged by this as I serve in Rwanda.

    Would it be possible to get the lyrics? I would love to share this with my teachers and it would help them so much if they could follow along with the words.

  7. Great song, Shawn!! When will it be available on iTunes!

  8. The song is beautiful - thanks for sharing it!

  9. I truly enjoyed listening to this song. Thank you for sharing!

  10. Oh Whitney, so powerful! I love the way the mixed it--so moving and inspiring. Well done, Shawn!

  11. what a great song! I just emailed this to my parents who are missionaries in thailand!

  12. Wonderful song! And so appropriate for me right now. My daughter is in Richmond VA right now in the Journeyman application process, to be an IMB Journeyman missionary for 2 years. Thanks

  13. What a wonderful song! Excited for the seasons you're getting to experience right now.


  14. Wow! Love the words but what initially grabbed me was the guitar! The intro and the style brought tears to my eyes! thanks!!

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