17 months.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

On some days (especially when they involve a full-out tantrum at Dollar Tree when I wouldn't let him carry off a tube of glitter hair gel), I need to remember just how beautiful he is. How sweet. How his smile lights up a whole room and every corner of my heart. And because this blog serves as a family photo album of sorts, these posts get tucked in here and there.

These photos are nothing artsy, but they're just so perfectly typical of our boy at 17 months. If I had one word for him right now, it would be winsome. He is a joy giver, at least for his parents, who ask each other by the hour, "How can he be so wonderful?!"

Oh, and this delicious hair of his? Shawn says I'm fully to blame if teenage Liam can't believe we let it get so long when he was a toddler. But how could I put scissors anywhere near it?! Poor boy... people might be asking about our "little girl" soon enough.


  1. ...those baby hair curls...must be a Mom thing! :-)

  2. He is soooo cute! Our little boy (also born on October 27 but in 2012) has the same type of hair. I totally agree, no scissors until he's at least 2 or 3! We took him for his first haircut at 3 and it totally made him a 'big boy' over night. I wasn't ready for that!

  3. Love you Liam boy! You are so sweet.

  4. Whitney, he is just so beautiful. Happy 17 months, Liam!

  5. The sixth picture down? With his eyebrows?! Oh my, he is just adorable!

  6. He is sweet! And in no way looks like a girl with his goldern locks! really.
    Have a lovely weekend! take care!


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