Where it goes.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

With a very Curious George in our house, there is rarely a moment that our house is clean. There is always another spill to wipe up, another book to put away, another load of laundry to do. Always.

This overwhelms me. And frankly, it annoys me. While I wouldn't consider myself a neat-freak, the constant state of messiness (and the fact that the floor I mopped just last night is already sticky again) gets to me.

In the past few days, there's a phrase that keeps coming back to me as I scan my messy house: "Just put it where it goes." For some reason, these six powerful words simplify so much. Everything has a place - or if it doesn't, it should be given away or thrown out - so just put it where it goes. Dirty spoons go in the dishwasher. Books go back on the shelf. Towels go on hooks to dry. Put it where it goes.

At the same time, I've been convicted to put this into practice on a deeper level.

My biggest fear these days is that, by the end of the day, I will run completely out of energy and not get everything done that I absolutely needed to. It may sound ridiculous to you, but to my type-A, people-pleasing, trying-to-hold-everything-together-and-look-good-doing-it mania, it's a real and vibrant fear that feels consuming at times. Because what if I don't send that purse on time? What if I forget to return her call? What if my family eats a crummy dinner because I just couldn't pull it together? What if I have three more paintings to finish tonight but I'm just so exhausted? At it's ugly core, it's a pride issue - the fear of letting someone down, or letting them see me as anything but Superwoman.

So I'm listening to the Spirit and learning to put it where it goes. Put the fear, the anxiety, the heavy burden of pride far from my heart, and cast them onto Jesus.

Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest."

That's me! That's so me. I bet it's lots of you, too.

"Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls." (Matthew 11:28-29)

What a promise. What a gift.
He beckons us to trade our heavy burdens for his rest. True rest. Soul rest.

So my admonishment to you today: Put it where it goes. Whatever burdens you carry, there's a place for them. Trade them for something you absolutely could not provide for yourself: rest for your souls.


  1. I always enjoy reading your blog posts, Whitney. I especially needed to read this one today. Thank you for sharing the things you're thinking about and learning :)

  2. What a timely word. There is so much refreshment in Him! :)

  3. I'm a mama too - mine are 17 and 14. I just want to say...you will make it! And it's OK to serve a crummy dinner. Today I was part way through fixing our dinner and got a text about my daughter's hockey game that we totally forgot was happening, so out the door we went, leaving my husband to cook his own fish to eat with his nicely mashed potatoes. And you know what? He loves me and my crazy middle aged imperfection, and I love him right back.

  4. Whitney-thank you for this gentle, sweet reminder...as my husband and I travel the road of his colon cancer, chemo, drs. visits, blood draws and on and on, our sweet Jesus carries us when we are weary. I trust Him, but this journey is difficult....I'll rest in Him today, thanks to your words...thank you...ps-your 'messes' will always be there, so enjoy sweet Liam while he's still at home.

  5. Thank you for your post, Jesus is really working this concept into my life, so much so that by the end it will no longer be a concept but a way of living. I love that verse from Matthew, He truly is our rest, for his yolk is easy and burden light. I am a mommy to a very active 7 month old boy, who is crawling and climbing on everything :) ( I love seeing him grow, but oh how hard it can be to try and maintain a house and get other tasks done with this little adventure always moving onto the next thing. There was a devotional I read recently that convicted and encouraged me, I hope it does the same for you. http://setapartgirl.com/devotional/04-4-14/marthas-multi-tasking-mistake

  6. So love this. I am right there with you. Put it where it goes. I'm going to say that to myself as I struggle with a constant state of messiness. :) Love you deeply!


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