Photography: Booking sessions.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

As much as I love photographing Liam (and I don't think it's news to anyone... I love photographing Liam), I've missed photographing others. It's a privilege getting the most beautiful little glimpse of tight-knit families, new babies, and engaged couples through the lens of my camera. I haven't done much at all since moving to Raleigh and meeting all new people, and I'd love to get back into it!

So here's the deal: In an effort to expand my portfolio here in Raleigh, I'm offering several slots in the months of April and May on Fridays and Saturdays. A 1-hour session is $100 and includes at least 20 (and usually many more) edited photos that you own the rights to and can print wherever you'd like. If you're interested and live somewhere in the Triangle area, please contact me at whitney @ I love meeting up in the morning or the late afternoon (when the light is best).

And because a photography post is nothing without showing you what I've already done, here are a few of my favorites through the past few years.

Babies & kiddos (including my own, of course)...

Couples & engagements...



Even a few head shot-type photos...


  1. You are a great photographer, your pictures are full of freshness and joy. Do you move to France ? :)
    I love your website. I can improve my bad english. Thanks for sharing your wisdom, faith (it's the difference with my beloved country : sadly in France it's more difficult talk about your faith, it will be change !)

  2. Oh my gosh! I absolutely want to do this. I have a question though: our little girl is three months, and I definitely want one year photos. (Or maybe 6-8 months?) Is there any way this $100 session could be reserved and used in the Fall-Winter? Your pictures are so beautiful!

  3. SO exciting- I wish we were close by so you could take ours! I love your pictures!

  4. Beautiful photos! :) We have a photo shoot planned in November/December for my daughter's 1st bday. Going to do it a Princess theme. Sort of going along with her blog here :) But Ill need to get coordinating princess outfits in the size she will be around that time. lol. Shes too chunky for some of her princess outfits (the ones she has met already) :)

  5. Great shots Whitney! I like to see that you are doing also this! it is very inspiring! I also like photography, even though I'm not professional at all, and I kind of hope it will become at least a second job for me...

  6. Was NOT expecting to see myself in this reel...that was really funny. I actually thought..."who is that?"...haha


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