
Monday, April 28, 2014

Snapped by Shawn when he was testing the lighting for a photo shoot. I'm thankful he caught that sweet face.
I took a much needed brain-break from blogging this past week, as you might have noticed. I did do a little work here and there to keep up with the shop, but aside from that, we all took stay-cationing pretty seriously.

Here were the highlights:
+ Built and planted our raised garden beds (with much help from a friend).
+ Spent a 75-degree day, just Shawn and me, at Wrightsville Beach. We took a walk down the beach, ate at South Beach Grill, and then spent the rest of the afternoon on our bikes (with a break to eat some Italian ice). It felt like a second honeymoon, just the two of us on a sunny beach with no agenda.
+ Ate a delicious salmon dinner with a group of church friends in their backyard.
+ Discovered Call the Midwife - and got hooked.
+ Did a couple photo shoots.
+ Worked in the yard, deep cleaned the kitchen, hung pictures, caught up on laundry.
+ Rode our bikes to the local Farmery, then ate a delicious lunch at Kimbap.
+ Spent a day exploring beautiful Chapel Hill, eating at Chipotle, and letting Liam wander all over the UNC campus.
+ Packed quesadillas and strawberries for a picnic at the park down the street.

I have to admit, I was bummed when our vacation plans fell through at the last minute and we needed to stay home. But looking back at this week, staying here was exactly what each of us needed, for different reasons. I've never seen Liam happier than I've seen him this week. And that's saying a lot, coming from the boy who was practically smiling as he came out of the womb. He's just a naturally happy spirit, but the quantity and quality time with Mama and Dada filled his heart to the brim. I'd re-live this week in a heartbeat.


  1. I've recently discovered Call the Midwife, too - and was hooked instantly. I took Season 1 out of the library this past weekend and would savour an episode (or two!) at the end of a busy day - with a cup of tea. I think I've cried (in both happiness and sorrow) in every single episode I've watched.

  2. Love, love, love. Eliana gets the same way when both T & I are around & I think it's so precious. Just that they notice when we are together & apart- makes you want to be together as much as possible! So glad you guys got some much needed rest. Love you 3.

  3. So glad you got to come to Wrightsville Beach! My husband is also a worship leader here in Wilmington and our first date was a walk on Wrightsville Beach after chowing down on K38 tacos. So glad you got to get some alone time and praying you feel rested and recharged!


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