& coffee.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Our friends, Glenn and Judy, are missionaries in Guatemala.
Judy texted me the other day to ask our home address because she wanted to send me some coffee with a & sign on it because it reminded her of the sign I'd made a few weeks ago. (Is that not the sweetest thing?!)


As soon as it arrived, we knew it would be the perfect addition to our traditional Sunday brunch.
And oh my.
It was.


Our brunch consisted of apple-cinnamon pancakes, eggs, and fresh squeezed orange juice.
And we looked pretty gourmet adding a little coffee fresh from Guatemala to the menu.

Thank you so much for thinking of us, friends!
You are a blessing. :)

Coffee-loving Newbys

PS - I always mention that we have friends over, but they're never pictured. I promise they're real! They'll make an appearance one of these days. :)
PSS - Yes, my hair is darker in these pictures. It lasted about 3 days, and now I'm back to (darker) blonde. I've just gotta accept it - I'm a blonde. Don't quite feel like myself as a brunette.


  1. How fun! I love those kinds of little surprises and perks. Sunday breakfast (or brunch) is the best! And guatemala coffee is the best too!

  2. How sweet!
    Your Sunday brunch sounds amazing...I'm trying not to be envious! Lol, Handsome Man and I have to leave our house at 7:30 every Sunday to get things ready at church (he's a youth minister) and we don't come home til around 8 at night. No Sunday brunches for us!

    Have a blessed Lord's Day, Whitney!

    ♥ Bethany


  3. Thanks awesome! Such a small world - I lived in Guatemala and am returning in 8 days!

    In what part of Guatemala do your friends work?


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