A new thing!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I'm sitting here procrastinating (again).
I should be writing nursing diagnoses for my most recent patient,
or studying the heart for my test tomorrow,
or emptying the dishwasher,
or a million other things.

You know the feeling, I'm sure.

But instead, I'm sitting here at our desk, staring over my left shoulder at this most incredible view.
The warm sun is fading behind the trees, and all is drenched in a hazy golden calm. I'm so thankful I get to drink in this beauty day after day.

And yet at the same time, it's times like these - when I'm overwhelmed, tired, and alone - that it's so easy to dwell on the past...

Like how wonderful it used to be to live near lots of close girlfriends, where we could meet down the street for coffee at a moment's notice.
Or how I wish I were closer to certain people that used to be such a huge part of my life.
Or how much more useful I used to feel for Jesus when I was backpacking in the Amazon or sharing the Gospel with cab drivers in Chicago... not sitting in my little house on the prairie studying notes.

Do you see how easy it is to be robbed of joy? I let it happen all too often. And yet every time Satan tries to swoop in on a moment of beauty and calm and replace it with turmoil, the Lord so gently reminds me of this:

"Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? 
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland."
Isaiah 43:18-19

I am so guilty.
I'm guilty of dwelling on the past, of not "perceiving" the "new thing" He is doing. Like what about how He led me to nursing school, allowed me to get in, and has provided every penny? Or how He fuels our dreams for the future and so graciously centers them on serving Him? Or how He loves on us with sweet friends, encouraging conversations, captivating worship music. The list goes on and on. So why do I not notice all of these things? Because I'm not looking for them. I get lazy - and I'm not daily asking, "Your will be done, Lord" and then praying that He'll show me what that looks like.

I'm also guilty of thinking that the things I do bring me closer to God.
"If I could only just be in full-time ministry...."Somehow I fail to understand that when I say something like that, I am going directly against the Gospel - the truth that it is He who works in me, not me who works my way to Him.

Maybe this sounds like lots of rambling. Or maybe it's what you've been struggling with lately and that verse from Isaiah is precisely what you needed to hear. It amazes me how God's Word can travel deeper into your soul than anything else - how things you didn't even know needed to be dealt with rise to the surface when you read the Word.

I pray I'll remember the Gospel in moments like these, and choose to look for the new thing He is doing.


  1. what a fresh moment-thank you for sharing your light
    both the gorgeous sun drunk window light
    and the light of the truth-my heart needs that reminder often
    He does the work
    He gets the glory!
    can't wait to see all the new things that will spring up in your life.
    you're going to be a fabulous nurse-because you've got the best light there is even better than ms. nightingales

  2. Thank you so much for this post. God has also led me to the medical field . . . I will be the only one in my family not in "full-time ministry." I was just asking my husband yesterday if this call, this yearning I feel drawing me to this field was worthy. Will it be enough? How silly to think that a call from God would not be enough. Thank for these words. It's exactly what I needed to read.

  3. Amen! I feel like that a LOT sometimes too. I think especially because in your early 20s, life changes SO much and so far & a lot of things can be unexpected. I know that God is really reaching out to me with new things & I need to call on Him more & recognize that life is His plan and not mine.
    <3 leigh

  4. um, did you read my journal recently without me knowing? ;) thanks for sharing this, friend - you always send me the best reminders even at long-distance.

    love ya!

  5. God is good. All the time... Have a great week!

  6. It is also amazing that in sharing your moment, you are sharing God's word. What a a great view.

  7. My dear, it is sometimes so strange to see how different we all are..you are longing for a busy, big-town life, me willing to give anything for a house in the wild just like yours (which I secretly love and think is amazingly beautiful :p). I'm not sure if it's just that we always want what we don't have, and fail to see the beauty that lies in front of our eyes, or simply because in our hearts we know where we belong. If the second is true, and I tend to believe that, I am sure that God has it in his plans to send you to the big city you so miss, just as well as he will give me my little yellow house in the wild. Because deep in our hearts is were God is, and our biggest wishes are there too, so the two must be connected :)
    Hugging you from far far away,

  8. That is beautiful and timely. I wanted to tell you I am new to your site, a believer, and love adoption as well. We adopted our daughter at age 5yrs old. Her birth mom died of meth overdose. God is amazing in how he orchestrated this whole miracle. She's 13yrs old now. I had her read your love story, that is what I pray for her. You have touched our lives, thanks for being an inspiration.


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