Get ready for cuteness.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Yesterday, I had the privilege of spending time with this little lady, her sweet mom, and another friend for the afternoon. We three grown-up girls had gone to Moody together, but hadn't all seen each other since college. It was such a sweet, refreshing time to connect with other women who are going through the same season as we are... not really knowing what we'll be doing in a year or even next month, just trusting the Lord for whatever He has. It was also so encouraging being around people who love Jesus. Sure, there's a church on every corner where I live - but that doesn't always mean a lot. To be with godly women who are fully devoted to the Lord, it's a breath of fresh air to my heart.

So thank you, Whit and Justine (and sweet Ellie!), for making the trip to Franklin to be together. Let's do it again soon, please!



  1. She is so precious!
    What a blessing godly friendship is.

    ♥ Bethany

  2. These are such cute pictures of Ellie! I bet Whitney loves them! Glad you guys had so much fun- wish I could've been there! Love you!

  3. Yay! Thank you SO much for these. In the bottom black and white one she looks like my dad! I haven't yet seen my side of her come out in her expressions, so I'm glad you captured it! Thanks again! Kirra- I SO wish you could have been there too. You would have made the day complete, friend! The Whitneys love you.
    Okay my baby is screaming. Must go!


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