My Grandma.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Grandma Tunney, Kels (and Charis!), and me last summer
My Grandma Tunney is celebrating a big birthday today.
I won't tell you which one, because a lady doesn't reveal her age.
(And because even if I told you, you probably wouldn't believe me.)
She is as young, vibrant, and strong as can be.

She's had quite a year this year as she has cared for my grandpa and has encountered her own health obstacles along the way (which, praise God, she has fully recovered from now). By God's grace, she has emerged with even more strength and vigor. She is one tough cookie, that's for sure. She's stubborn as they come in the most endearing way (and she might have passed that quality down to her granddaughters).

I'm so thankful for her, and it's because of her that I really hope my kids have strong relationships with their grandparents someday. She has been a huge encouragement and faithful friend, and I love her so dearly. I so admire her true gift for sewing and creating, her faithfulness to Grandpa since they were teenagers, her love for Jesus, her hardworking nature, and her optimism.

Happy Birthday, Grandma!!


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