The best kind of dessert.

Friday, October 14, 2011

A few weeks ago, on a rainy and chilly Saturday, we spent some time at my parents' house with these  three little cuties, my cousins. (You'd think they were my nieces for the age difference, but nope... cousins indeed.)

We chowed down on fajitas, watched some of our favorite YouTube videos, and enjoyed our family. I wish I had color pictures of the sorbet they're eating... but it's one of our family's very favorite desserts and is so easy to make if you have a good juicer. My parents and Shawn and I each have the same juicer - a Champion - which is one of the best. Not only does it juice amazingly well, but you can even put peanuts into it and it will come out as peanut butter! Amazing, huh? Or in this case, you can put in frozen fruit, and it comes out sorbet! It is the perfect, creamy consistency and is only fruit so it's super healthy. The men were in charge of making it tonight.

Sometime, I'll do a post in color so you can see the consistency... but let me just say, it was yummy!

Does anyone have a good juice recipe I should try? 


  1. This is meant in the best of ways, but just so you know... Whitney, you seriously have an extremely handsome husband. Haha. :D You two make the most gorgeous couple ever!

    I LOVE sorbet! I agree, it's the best dessert ever. :)

  2. What a fun time! I will definitely have to try both the sorbet and the peanut butter in our juicer! :)


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