
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

This afternoon I got home to a house full of fabric scraps that are seriously taking over,
a to-do list with not nearly enough check marks on it,
a sewing machine that's being finicky,
nursing books waiting to be read,
and not much motivation to dive into everything that needs to be done from now until bedtime.

Backstreet Boys radio on Pandora.
I blasted it as loud as it would go and danced and sang my way to a clean house and a much happier me.
It took me back to 7th grade - and it's a little scary how many lyrics I still know.

Feeling stressed today? Unmotivated?
I think I found a temporary solution.

PS - Brian is still my favorite.


  1. haha that's awesome! but i have to say i'm an nsync girl myself :)

  2. Ahh, Love me some BSB! Brian was my fav too.:) Did you know, Nick is doing a video shoot in Franklin?! He just moved there. ;)

  3. yessss!!! love it! picturing you doing this was so fun. Glad you got the motivation! :)

  4. BSB -- sometimes they are exactly what you need! :)

  5. Brian came out with a CCM cd a few years back. I never listened to it, but he was my fav too.


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