It is well.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

This morning I was in a creative/DIY kind of mood... and this being one of my favorite hymns, I thought it deserved a place on our wall. (I also made sure to include the hymn writer's name because his story is so moving ). I'll make sure to post a photo when it's printed and framed. If you'd like to download it for printing, just click on it and drag it to your desktop and it should give you a very large version of the print. It has a white border around it to make it easily frameable. 
Happy weekend!


  1. Thank you so much for making this something we can use too! Love it!

  2. How beautiful! We sang "It Is Well With My Soul" in church this morning... Such great words! :)

    Many Blessings,

  3. I love this, Whitney. One of my favorite hymns...the 3rd verse gets me every time.

  4. Thanks for sharing this! It is one of my all-time favorite hyms, too. And it has become even more dear to me this past week because we had it sung at my granddaddy's funeral. Such a beautiful reminder that, if we know the Lord, even in death, "it is well." Thanks again for sharing--can't wait to hange it in my home. :)

  5. So awesome. Thanks for sharing it!


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