The happiest little girl you ever did see.

Monday, October 24, 2011

I know I'm a little biased in this, but this niece of mine is deliciously adorable. After not seeing her for over 9 months, it's about time I got the chance to see (and photograph) her. So excuse the many, many photos in this post. I just can't get enough.

Learning to walk

Lots of love from Mimi ("Mim")

 Making friends with Keebler ("Da-dah")

Just being the sweetest girl
(while Mommy and Mimi danced like crazy behind the camera) :)


  1. love her!!!!! she looks like she has running legs :)

  2. Oh my goodness!! She is adorable!! And you are such a good photographer! I love how you capture people at their best. It's inspiring, as always.

  3. Wow, she is a gorgeous little girl!! Great photos, Whitney! :)

  4. She is super cute! Her eyes are just gorgeous. What fun!

  5. um her hair flips out in the most perfect way. she is SO sweet!!!

  6. I love those ears, they are just like my little girl's (and mine :)

    So sweet!


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