Thank you, Pinterest.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I'm sure you've all heard about Pinterest by now (I hope so!). It's an amazing spot for inspiration where you can see all kinds of ideas that people have "pinned" and wanted to remember from the internet. I love it most for all the DIY projects that I can find in one place.

Well, Pinterest has been my friend this week. Somehow, this DIY heating pad I made a while ago made its rounds and was pinned lots and lots of times and, in turn, the traffic on this little blog went up about 500%!

So I guess you guys like the DIY posts?
I'm planning one for as soon as possible that I think you'll like too.
Hi to all my new readers! I hope you stick around!

To see more from Elm Street Life on Pinterest, go here. You'll be sure to see the heating pad. About 29384 times.


  1. Congratulations! I am new member on Pinterest. Saw the source link of the post. Oh my gosh! You've got lots of fans for this project.

  2. I just joined pinterest too as love it!! Congrats on all the new readers. You have an awesome blog. Its always so encouraging to come drop by your blog!

  3. That's wonderful! I just joined Pinterest last week. I can easily help you get more of your DIYs to circulate, because I absolutely love them!

    ♥ Bethany

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. WHOA that is so fun! :-) And you get a "bonus" for this?? :-)

  6. Whitney,

    You are an inspiration for me. I read your blog and love it!



  7. HUGE fan of Pinterest, especially for DIY projects! Just need to get around to making more than just a couple of the dozens I love... :)
    xx, Kait


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