New York, New York.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

So it turns out I'm sitting in the lobby of the Sheraton in downtown New York City.
The trip here was a very last minute decision that involved a two-day Fall break, a cheap plane ticket, and a big achievement for my dad. He played at Carnegie Hall tonight - a once-in-a-lifetime kinda thing - and I had to be there to witness it. The last couple days have been full and wonderful. A time of refreshing that I desperately needed (and one I can really find in a city like this one). There have been many highlights, one of which will have to wait for tomorrow because it deserves a post by itself. But here are a few. Thanks for indulging me.
Our view from our hotel window, my happy mom, and some of the score from my dad's concert.
Central Park
I spent one glorious hour in the late afternoon here, sipping Argo tea, sitting on a rock, listening to a fiddle play and watching the sun sift through the falling leaves. It couldn't have been more beautiful. There's just nothing like Central Park in the Fall.

Seeing cousins
Well, my mom's cousins, actually. They're two talented, sweet guys who we don't get to see enough but who both happen to live in NYC and made time for breakfast with us. And they both work at the MET, which I think is wonderfully impressive.

Have you heard about the Wall Street protests? Of course you have. It's all over the news. I'm still not really sure exactly what they're protesting, but they seemed pretty serious about it all camped out in tents in the middle of the city. I thought it was reassuring to see their little camp surrounded by NYPD to make sure nothing terrible happened. 

We were serious about getting to this place. As in, it took us about 30 minutes to find our way on the train serious. But getting to order a banana cupcake with maple frosting that was gluten-free, no questions asked? So worth the trouble. It was darling inside, but no photos allowed, hence these two. 

I head back tomorrow morning to the real world of school, sewing, and responsibility. And my husband, which is the best part. I'll share more bits and pieces of the trip throughout the week, but I have to say, it's been exactly what I needed. And seeing my Dad walk out onto the stage at Carnegie Hall tonight in his tux and take his seat at the piano - that was a proud moment that made this whole trip  more than complete.


  1. Wow - what an accomplishment for you dad, and how special that you got to share it with him. Those are memories that I'm sure you both will cherish!

  2. looks like you had a fab time, friend. these pictures totally bring me back to our "we're so single" trip. hehe. love it!

  3. So happy for you-- and your parents! Wish I had a two day break away from nursing school right now, so it's nice to see a respite thru your eyes!

  4. What a fun time! New York is a really neat place to visit... I love Central Park in the Winter! *smiles*

    Many Blessings,

  5. What a fun story a beautiful trip! I enjoyed so much reading it.
    Many blesses


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