A picture of grace.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

This past Sunday at church, the sermon really struck me. You know those weeks that it's as if there's no one in the room but you because it's that perfect for what you're going through? It was one of those weeks.

In the middle of the sermon, there's a moment that I will never forget. I don't say that lightly. It was a picture of grace and mercy that was so beautiful it brought just about everyone to tears.

If you have an hour, watch this whole thing... but what I really hope you'll watch starts at 29:15. You'll laugh and, if I know you at all, you may cry too.

The Church from Journey Franklin on Vimeo.

I hope you see just a glimpse of the love the Father has for you. It is so much wider and higher and deeper than even this love a father has for his son. We are so unbelievably blessed to be children of God.


  1. I love when he says "God gave us the law first to prove to us that we could not do it on our own."
    SO true.
    Love, Leigh

  2. Whitney, I don't know that I've ever commented on a post of yours before, but I've been a reader for a long time. This sermon came at the perfect time for me. I am so confident that the Father and His Holy Spirit knew I needed to hear this, needed to be reminded that His grace is free. I also needed to be reminded that I must extend that grace to those around me. Thank you so much for sharing this on your blog today. His timing is astoundingly perfect. Thank you.

  3. I'm so glad to hear that, Annie. I needed it, too.

  4. Wow. I missed our sermon this weekend, as I was teaching Sunday School, and ours isn't up on the church website yet. This sermon is really good, and is reminding me just when I need it that God loves me no matter what.

    Thanks for sharing.


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