You guys.

Friday, November 18, 2011

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You guys are the nicest people. I mean it.

When I started blogging a couple years ago, I did it for myself and my family. I really wanted to chronicle our first days and weeks of being married, and for our family (who lived in Nashville and in Germany while we were in Chicago) to be able to see what we were up to. I never did it for the comments, the networking, the self-promotion... and that hasn't changed.

But I also never realized just how amazing you guys are.

I get an email nearly every day from someone just saying they were encouraged or inspired, and I can't tell you how much that means to me. (A whoooole lot.) I can't believe that so many of you would take the time to write an email to a stranger just to make their day. Amazing. I can't tell you what a privilege it is to be able to share a project, a prayer request, a lesson learned, and to have such affirmation and just to know that you're all there. Hundreds of you. You're reading, you're listening, you're praying. I may not ever get to meet you face to face* but I love knowing that you're there. I really, really do.

That's all I wanted to say - just thank you. I count so many of you as friends because of our interaction back and forth. Keep it coming, ok? :)

*I've now met a total of four of you who just recognized me off the street from my blog, and that just blows my mind. Please always say hi, ok? I love it when you do!


  1. You are so sweet! I love visiting your blog and being refreshed by your writing. You remind us daily of God's love for us, often exactly when I need it! Thanks for being such an encouragement :)

    ♥ Bethany

  2. Awww, what a sweet post! I am so thankful that I was led to Elm Street Life. I have been uplifted so many times through your writing. Thank you for the time you spend on your blog to bless others! :)

    Love & Blessings,

  3. Thanks, guys! You two are two of my very favorites. :)

  4. You are so welcome. Your blog really is a joy to read. I wish I could meet you in person some day!! That would be awesome.

  5. This is such a great post--you have truly inspired me to get back into being more faithful with writing my blog and I'm so thankful! I definitely think it was a God-thing that I found Elm Street Life. Thank you so much for writing about your life and sharing God's blessings in your life with all of us!

    <3 Tori

  6. Claire, I'd love to meet you someday!! Chicago maybe? :)

    Tori, Thanks for your sweet encouragement... it's all a God thing, that's for sure. I realize that more and more every day - how He so beautifully orchestrates our every moment. Blessings!

  7. Whitney, I'll be in Tennessee (Chattanooga) for my brother's wedding in June! (The brother who goes to Moody)

  8. If you're in Nashville at all, let us know!!

  9. Blogging is amazing, isn't it?



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