Little E's feet.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

I'll start with the bottom line: We found out today at our high risk OB ultrasound that our baby and his feet are perfect.

Though these last couple weeks have been difficult as I've wondered and prayed against worry and tried to accept whatever the Lord has for us and our baby, I wouldn't have traded them for anything. So many friends, family, and so many of you have reached out to us with prayers and encouragement, and every single thought and prayer has meant so much. My time with the Lord has also been so sweet as I've read His Word and been reminded over and over again how lavishly He loves me. And how tenderly He must love this baby. Just knowing that is enough for me, no matter what was going on with Little E.

On the way to our first appointment this morning with a reproductive genetic counselor (somewhere no new parent wants to find themselves), I was thinking about our day ahead and tears came to my eyes. Not tears of sadness. Tears that I actually didn't feel sad, but that I felt complete peace. I know it's through your prayers for us and the sweet mercy of Jesus that we felt so at ease going into what could've been a nightmarish day.

As soon as we finished going over any potential family history that may contribute to clubbed feet, we headed to the ultrasound room. Lo and behold, our radiologist had a daughter born with clubbed feet (of course!), so she definitely knew what she was looking for. She looked thoroughly at every system - the brain, the heart, the spine, the limbs. Then she took a good look at both feet.

"They look pretty perfect to me," she said, as I tried to hold back the tears. "If I'm looking for clubbed feet, I'm definitely not impressed because these look really normal. They may be barely turned in, but it's nothing that would ever require casting or surgery. And I don't even think they are." Those words and the confidence in her voice could not have been more reassuring. The baby is still measuring really big - also very reassuring - and the radiologist and the maternal/fetal specialist saw no need for a followup or anything apart from routine care with my midwife.

All that to say, thank you again for your sweet thoughts and prayers. I can't tell you how much they've meant! I feel like the dark cloud of "not knowing" has been lifted today, and we are rejoicing.

PS - Some of you have asked, and yes, we are about 95% sure on a name and it does begin with E. That's why we're calling him "Little E" for now. I'm one of those crazy moms who wants to see him face to face before we officially give him his name. :)


  1. Praise the Lord!

    I love how you felt so much peace with whatever the outcome, and I am so happy to hear all looks normal!

  2. So happy for you Whitney. God is good all the time. :)

  3. So happy for you Whitney. God is good all the time. :)

  4. Yaaaay I'm so happy for you :)

  5. Praise God! This post brings tears to my eyes. Like so many times in your life as a mom, the word "perfect" could not sound more beautiful. It's the best word to describe a heavenly creation! Glory to God for his goodness! :)

  6. I've been praying for you guys. Happy to hear the good news.

  7. So happy for you both - what a relief! God truly is good to us! :) Praising Him for Little E's perfect little feet today! :) xo

  8. Such wonderful news! Something similar happened to us at our 20 week ultrasound. We found out we are having a girl, but also that her right kidney had some kind of an obstruction. So the day we thought was going to be crazy fun, turned a little bittersweet. Luckily, after seeing a specialist & weeks of growing and praying, our baby girl is fine! God is so good, he's stitching our babies together perfectly. =)

  9. God is so great! Praises to Him for your blessing! My family and I have been praying for you guys and Little E. Now we will continue to pray the Lord blesses you and Shawn with an otherwise uneventful pregnancy! May the Lord continue to bring you peace and joy until you finally meet Little E!
    Psalm 86:4 Bring joy to your servant, Lord, for I put my trust in you.

  10. I'm so glad that the Lord gave you peace!

  11. God is so great--to Him be ALL the glory. Can't wait to see little E!

  12. That is such wonderful news! I'm actually due in October with a boy as well, so I can only imagine the joy you felt seeing that healthy little foot. I pray that the rest of your pregnancy is smooth sailing:)

  13. Praise the Lord!!!

    ♥ Bethany

    p.s. Hello, Little E! What a handsome little man you are! Can't wait to 'meet' you! ♥

  14. Praise the Lord that your little boy is fine!!!

    I'm a carrier of a genetic disorder so this post really made me think about the fact that my husband and I are going to have to see a genetic counselor during my future pregnancies no matter what. My husband and I were able to have a good talk about that tonight after reading this post. I know that the Lord will be with us and that my children will be exactly the little ones I'm supposed to have. Thanks for being willing to share your journey and help people who will be going through this in the future process things ahead of time.

    God bless!

  15. God is SO good!! Thank you for sharing this wonderful news! I will continue to keep you and Little E in my prayers! :)

    Many Blessings,

  16. I've been super busy and just had a moment to check in with you and wow! I'm so happy to see this. I've got some tears of my own going on! God is good! And even though it's hard to imagine anyone loving your baby more than you do, He does! Much love to you and Shawn and baby Edward Elliott Eugene Excellanta! :)


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