What made today great.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Let me just say, today was rough. Tummy pains from a growing, shifting baby throughout my entire 12-hour shift made it the day feel nearly impossible. But it's over now and we have a beautiful weekend with friends to look forward to.
With that said, here were my top three moments of the day: 
1. A 5:30am date with Shawn. With full time jobs and guests in town, there hasn't been much time for just the two of us. So we snuck out of our house this morning and left seven sleeping babies and their mom and jetted to Starbucks. The weather was perfect, the conversation sweet, and the barista seemed impressed with our efforts to spend time together so early in the morning. :) We headed our separate ways around 6:20 - Shawn to Chattanooga for work, me to the hospital - but our mini morning date was perfect.
2. Because we had guests leaving this morning and new guests arriving tonight (and work and travel in between), my mom graciously offered to clean our house. I told her it would be so helpful if she could just wash towels and sheets and vacuum, but she went waaaaay above and beyond and even our bathroom, kitchen, bedroom... the entire house... is cleaner than it's been in a very long time. I walked in after a crazy day to a perfectly clean house, complete with hydrangeas from her garden on our coffee table, and she couldn't have given us a more wonderful gift. Thank you, Mom. We love you.
3. My favorite patient today (if I'm allowed to have a favorite?) was an older lady who was so excited to see that I was pregnant that every time I entered her room, she had more questions about the baby. Boy or girl? Is it your first? How are you feeling? What's the name? Whenever I'd lean over her to take her vitals or give her IV medication, she would pat my belly and smile. Sweet thing. And then she'd tell her family members in the room all about Baby E, including his potential name, which most of our family and friends don't even know! Lesson learned: Be careful what you tell patients. They will tell everyone they meet. Nice. 

What was your favorite moment today? 


  1. You are so allowed a favourite! How sweet!
    I'm impressed with your 5.30am date too, I don't think I could drag myself out of bed that early if I tried!
    Hope you are feeling better now you are back home from work and relaxing!
    xx Amy

  2. aww so glad you and shawn were able to have a very early morning date :)

  3. The little things in life can bring so much joy! I'm glad that you had a good day, filled with His blessings! ♥

  4. This post makes me smile! My sister and her family recently moved to nashville. I hope when I go to visit (don't know when that will be!!) we can have coffee!

  5. happy you guys got to have some time alone! have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Can I please ask why there were SEVEN babies at your house? And you know what...a starbucks date in the early morning seems like the PERFECT date to me...what a beautiful thing.

    Old women are the best. So wise.

  7. What a sweet day! Everything about it sounds perfect (yes, even the over-sharing patient. I bet she kept you smiling!)
    That was so nice of your mom. Aren't moms the best? My parents drove out a few days before Kayleigh was born just to clean our house from top to bottom and make sure there was food in the fridge. They sure know how to bless us when we need it!

    I'm glad you and Shawn make an effort to spend time together even during busy weeks.

    ♥ Bethany


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