Sabbath rest.

Monday, June 25, 2012

"Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have enough room for it." - Malachi 3:10

Shawn and I have been feeling convicted lately that we're not very good at taking a true Sabbath and truly resting from our work. Actually, that's an understatement. We're terrible at it. With two full-time jobs and a full-time business, it's easy to make excuses not to rest. And we have. For months. We've gone so long without a full day of no work.

This weekend was different, though. Not only is once-a-week Sabbath rest mandated in Scripture, it's a need for our bodies and souls. So on Saturday, we prepared for the Sabbath by sewing our little hearts out. Ten hours of sewing and six completed orders later, we knew that Sunday had to look a lot different.

And it did...
Pancakes with strawberries. French press coffee. Sunday worship with our church family. Soaking up the sun by the pool. Planting a garden (finally). Browsing books at the library. Seeing some friends. Watching the EuroCup.

That sounds like a lot, but the fact that it didn't involve Brighter Day was so refreshing. And here's the coolest part. Sunday was our biggest sales day for Brighter Day in all four years of its existence. Four large orders came through unexpectedly, and we couldn't believe that on the one day we haven't done a thing, God chose to bless us.

Lesson learned, Lord. We're about to start taking this once-a-week Sabbath a whole lot more seriously.


  1. Thanks for sharing... and autch, so true! My Husband and I could do with a more intentional Sabbath rest every week. Challenging!
    How cool though, that your library is open on Sundays. (maybe that is normal in the states, but here in South Africa, libraries are closed most of the time that a working person would have time to go)

  2. Loved this post Whitney - I've been feeling convicted about the same thing lately! A similar thing happened to me the other day, I felt convicted about not consistently tithing after reading proverbs 3:9-10. I rectified the situation and then the same day I was given a sum of money that was more than what I had tithed! Lesson learned :) God truly does bless us when we follow His word. My goal is to try and not be on the computer so much on the Sabbath (a lot of my work is done through computer) - your post has inspired me to keep trying! :)

    Oh - and strawberries and pancakes? Mega yum! :) xo

  3. I was just looking around in your shop and noticed that you opened Brighter Day two years ago yesterday! Funny how God works sometimes! :)

    1. I mean four years ago. I must be stuck in 2010!

    2. That's so cool! I hadn't noticed that! :)

  4. Thanks for this great reminder! It's so easy for me to push and procrastinate weekend activities until the last min - which of course is Sunday. It's so difficult but so important to make an entire day of rest a priority.

  5. I am gluten-free too, hihi!
    Do you bake a lot of thinks? I have always loved baking, so I bake much gluten-free things, also for my grandma because she is also a celiac.
    I don't eat gluten for 3 years now.

    That's what I wanted to say, haha :')

  6. What a great reminder! Too often, we become busy in life, and fail miserably at giving God the time that HE deserves. Thank you for reminding me of the importance of the Sabbath Day! ♥

  7. Wow! That is such a God thing!! His hand is so ready to bless our obedience. Thanks so much for writing your blog. It thoroughly encourages me.


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