24 weeks.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Baby size: 1 full pound and up to 12 inches long, according to the standards. (Although according to all our ultrasounds, baby was already 12 inches long about 4 weeks ago. Oh my.) Oh, and he's growing hair on top of his head! I love that!

Total weight gain so far: 13 lbs. for the pregnancy. It feels like it's mostly in my belly, but I do feel it other places. And a coworker told me the other day she could see it in my belly and in my face. Umm, thanks. :) Haha.

Symptoms: I feel a lot of stretching pains from time to time (maybe when baby is in a growth spurt?), but otherwise, I don't really feel pregnant at all. This pregnancy has been incredibly easy, as far as pregnancies go, and I'm so thankful for that. I definitely feel exhausted by the end of each day, but I have a feeling that has more to do with the pace of our lives right now and less to do with being pregnant.

Movement:  Little guy is moving like crazy these days, and we can even see him from the outside! The other day Shawn put his face down on my belly and the baby kicked him right in the cheek right away. So adorable.

Cravings: Orange juice. I could drink gallons. And sour candy. And Chickfila fries.

What I miss: Fitting into normal clothes. Not a huge fan of maternity clothes, though that's the choice right now. I'm thankful for summery dresses and maternity scrubs.

What I'm excited about: My next midwife appointment. I love going, even if this one is for the dreaded glucose test. I'm also excited to start a birthing class soon, which I'll explain more about in another post.

What I'm thankful for: A husband who does a lot around the house that requires bending over, who prays for our son, and who thinks I'm beautiful even when I'm feeling huge. Parents who get so excited to see my belly, even when they just saw it yesterday. A healthy, uneventful pregnancy so far. A very active, growing son who I'm so excited to meet. A God who adores this baby more than I ever will.


  1. You look beautiful! Love your blog!!

  2. Whitney, you look great! Thank you for sharing about how you're feeling - I'm struggling to find clothes that fit right, too. Maternity wear, though it has come a long way, is not always flattering! We just found out this week that we're having a boy, too, and we're almost at 20 weeks now. Can't wait for my hubby to feel our son kick, too! So many blessings to praise God for.

  3. looks pretty awesome to me!!!!

  4. You look fabulous! One little tip: I had heaps of fruit (ie juice) in my 1st pregnancy and put on a huge amount of weight, because of the high sugar content (yep even natural sugar) of fruit. In saying that often what you crave is what your body is lacking. Both pregnancies I craved ice because I had a huge deficiency of iron. (had to get iron needles.. ouch) :) Hope that helps!! Best of luck with everything, I have enjoyed following your progress mainly because I'm done with pregnancies and get to be happy for everyone else who's having babies ;) V xo

  5. you still look teensie to me!!! i miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Aaand that's why I love you. :) Just kidding. I miss you too!!!

  6. You're so gorgeous as always Whitney!! So fun "watching" (reading) this journey of yours. I feel like I know you! Ha. Anyway- you encourage me with every post! Thank you.

  7. cute photos. Time will fly.
    2 things to remember when you start labor
    1. Socks - make sure you have socks to put on, your feet get cold
    2. pillow - make sure you have your VERY own pillow with you. You'll feel a lot better.

    PS Looks like we'll enjoy your parents music next week at CAM Conference (Camino Global) in Colorado.

  8. You're such an adorable, beautiful pregnant woman!

  9. Sweet little baby! Love him so! And I agree with Whit- you are teeny tiny! Looking awesome mama! Cannot wait to hold that baby of yours!

    1. Yeaaahhh! Can't wait til he and Ellie meet! :)

  10. Was that enough exclamations or what? Geesh.

  11. Crazy... I've been reading your blog for years, but I just put the pieces together and realized we must be due within DAYS of each other!! Looking great Whitney--glad it's been an easy run for you too!

  12. You look gorgeous! Your pregnancy reminds me a lot of mine. What a huge blessing! I loved loved my mid wife appointments too! :)

  13. You look wonderful, Whitney! I am so excited for you and your sweet family, and will continue to keep y'all in my prayers! :)


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