Liam love.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Taking newborn pictures is so much harder than it looks. Out of about 100 photos I took today of Liam, these were about all that turned out. And he definitely fell asleep in the middle of our shoot. 

These last 12 days have been long and short, all at once. They're consumed with feeding Liam, changing him, receiving meals (an amazing blessing), showing him off to our many lovely visitors, cleaning house, doing laundry, feeding him some more, pumping milk, doctors' appointments, and then repeating the whole thing over again. We are loving getting to know his little quirks and how he ticks. We think he has his mom's eyes, his dad's profile (and just about everything else), and the sweetest temperament.

So if the blog seems suddenly consumed with Liam, it's because life right now is suddenly consumed with Liam. And for the first weeks of his life, that's just how it should be. It feels anything but mundane. It feels just right.


  1. i love these photos!
    and girl, my mind is still blown that you are a MOM. love it!
    miss you guys!

  2. what a beautiful little creation......adore his name enjoy soaking up being a mama. sweet family, may you feel His love and pleasure always.

  3. he is so cute...and so small! I was always fascinated with baby's tiny fingers and toes...:)have a great day!

  4. Beatiful pictures. Wonderful inspiration since we are going to have a baby in a couple of weeks, and of course we would like some lovely pictures.

  5. He is really cute.. Loved the pictures.


  6. That's a lot of love. What a sweet little man. I think his elm street life modeling career is off to a great start. :)

  7. i think you did a great job. we tried taking a few too and it WAS hard. :)

  8. so gorgeous. what a blessing to have him as part of your lives. here's to being consumed by such a gorgeous little person and his little quirks as you put them. congratulations!

  9. Gorgeous photos! What type of camera do you use?


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