Our Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Our Thanksgiving this year was quiet and relaxing, which was just what we needed with our 3 week old in tow. Shawn's mom flew in from Germany for the week and blessed us with more delicious food than we knew what to do with... so many of Shawn's favorites growing up, and all adapted to be gluten-free. It was such a gift. Liam gave us the gift of sleeping through the entire meal, so his parents could savor every bite. :)

I hope your Thanksgiving was beautiful!


  1. It all looks beautiful! And delicious.

  2. Aww...love this. The table is gorgeous, little Liam is adorable and the food looks absolutely delicious :)

  3. Beautiful! We had a perfect, low-key Thanksgiving as well.

  4. A lot to be thankful about!!!!

    the photos of foods look so yummy..:)

  5. Those food pictures are gorgeous! Is that stuffing in muffin tins? Brilliant!

  6. All that food looks awesome!! What kind of gluten free stuffing did you use?? I haven't been able to find one! If you could share your stuffing recipe, that would be great!! Thank you!

    1. I wish I had a recipe for you! My mother in law made it using gluten-free stuffing cubes from Whole Foods (their store brand) and made up the recipe based on a cooking show she saw. But if it's any help at all, the Whole Foods stuffing cubes were delicious and worked really well in her recipe (which wasn't designed to be gluten free). I hope that helps a little!


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