Burgess Falls.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Yesterday, my little family took a day trip to Burgess Falls. It's less than 2 hours from where I've spent most of my life, and yet I never knew of its existence until recently. It's one of Tennessee's many hidden gems.
The last several weeks have been marked by searching and sending. Searching for jobs and sending résumés. Searching for answers. Sending prayers. While we've known the general direction we want to go next, there are still so many questions about the next season for us. We took a big step of faith - perhaps bigger than any in our marriage up to this point - when we said goodbye to Shawn's salaried job, our house, and half of our stuff. In every step, God has been with us. We've felt His presence so plainly.

So after weeks of searching and sending, searching and sending, we needed a break. But even this break was a step of faith, saying, "It's time to rest, breathe, and allow the Lord to work." So we packed up the car with snacks, strapped Liam in his carseat, and headed east. For most of the afternoon, we wandered through muddy trails, across wooden bridges, and stood in awe at the top of a canyon overlooking Burgess Falls. Just getting away felt as refreshing as the cool water that spritzed our faces. 
What we couldn't have planned or dreamed was that as soon as we returned home, a door had opened for us: a door of opportunity wider than any other door has opened in the past month. Ironically, we hadn't even knocked on this door... and still God opened it. Ironically, we hadn't spent the day searching or sending. But God was still hard at work on our behalf.

This weekend, we are walking through that door to see if it's what He may have for us next. And when and if the time comes that I can be less vague, I assure you, I'll explain it all.

Sometimes faith goes hand in hand with work. Faith doesn't always mean sitting back and letting things happen and expecting that someone's just going to knock on our door and offer us a job. We go out and seek and strive and pray.

Other times, though, faith just requires sitting still. Yesterday, that's what we felt called to do. And yesterday, the Lord came to us mightily, reminding us that no matter if we tried or not, it's still Him that leads us. It's Him that guides us. It's Him that never leaves our side.


  1. Needed to hear this. Just took a giant leap of faith and ended a relationship with a very Godly man I thought I'd marry. I know it is what God wanted me to do, but I've been trying to figure out where to go from here and why ever since. It's time to just rest in the Lord. Thank you for being transparent and letting Jesus show through you.

  2. This is so true! Thank you for sharing and blessings to you as you seek His will in this next step for your family! Leilani

  3. How true! I shall also remember it ... when it feels that your tried all and struggles are too much...He is with us. The nature's power is with us too,
    Glad you received and answer after all hard work. God bless you all!

  4. How like God! There is a great message by John Piper where he talks about Psalm 127:2, "Yes, he can provide for those whom he loves even when they sleep." Piper says "God can perform more good for those who trust him while they sleep than they can perform with anxious labor for themselves while awake."


    How have I never heard of Burgess Falls?!! Soon!

  5. I'm telling you, have you listened to Bethany Dillon's "To Those Who Wait"? (Here's a video of another girl singing it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMUcZ7MNYuw) It's so good for my soul. Praying for you.

  6. Isn't it great that we serve a God who is way more creative than us, and whose's plans for our lives are way bigger than our imagination. i pray that you will feel God's guidance and direction as you walk through the doors that He seems to be opening...


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