We're moving to...

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

It's true! On August 15, Shawn starts a new job at an incredible church in Raleigh, North Carolina. We're going to be North Carolinians!

When we prayerfully decided that Shawn would quit his corporate job at the end of May, we had no clue what was next. We spent the entire month of June staying with my parents, sending out résumés, and basically free falling. We knew it would be Shawn's dream job to lead worship in a church, but we were completely open.

Amazingly, God connected our paths with this church without us even looking, and it felt like such a perfect fit on every front. Just three days after Shawn's initial conversation with the staff there, they flew us out for the weekend. We fell in love with the people, the church, and the city of Raleigh - and we even got to meet our 3-day-old niece who lives there. (Ironically, Shawn's brother, sister-in-law, and new niece live less than 15 minutes from the church, but had nothing to do with this position becoming available.)

Shawn is currently in Raleigh, and Liam and I will fly out to meet him tomorrow. We'll be back in Nashville for one more week after that, and then we pack up and head out there for good on August 12.

This is so much more than a job. It's a dream come true for Shawn. He'll be leading two services every week, organizing rehearsals, songwriting, and so much more... all things that he is so passionate about. It's a gift to our family that we'll be surrounded by a loving church family and a privilege to pour out our lives in community there. And it's an incredible bonus that we'll still be near family, even though we're moving hundreds of miles from Nashville.

God is good and we are thrilled!


  1. Congratulations! So very happy for you :) God is so amazing... When we took a temporary relocation 2 years ago with Steve's job, of all the places God could have put us, he opened the door to Las Vegas... Where Steve's brother and our sister in law live! It was a true blessing to have family nearby when we were so far from home! Our family will be praying for your family and all that God has in store for you in this new chapter!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What church? That's my old stomping grounds. :) I graduated from high school there!

  4. So very exciting! We live not too far from Raleigh- less than an hour. It's a beautiful area and I'm sure you will absolutely love it! I wish we lived a little closer to the city :-)

  5. What an answer to prayer! Congratulations to Shawn on getting his dream job :)

  6. What a blessing from God! I am so happy for your sweet family. I'm sure Shawn will touch and bless many lives in Raleigh with his music. I pray that God will bless the rest of your move! Love and blessings to y'all!

  7. That is so exciting! I would love to know what church. My husband and I live in Raleigh and have been looking for a church for a while now. We would love to visit. I'm excited to see what God blesses your family with next.

  8. The girl that put your Etsy purse in her blog lives in Raleigh. :) Maybe you will meet her...how cool would that be!!!

    So excited for you all. New adventures are so much fun!!

    Much love from the Scrugglins.

    PS The blog is www.thesmallthingsblog.com

  9. God is incredible. I don't live in Raleigh or anything like that:) (I don't even live in America - I hail from South Africa) but what a blessing:) When I read your last post about how this opportunity came knocking at your door, I was waiting to see what was coming next. Amazing.

  10. Oh how incredible.... what wonderful news! Good luck with the move - everything happens for a reason ;)

  11. So great! I grew up in Raleigh and still feel blessed to call it home 27 years later! :) Which church!? So wonderful - God is so good!

  12. This is awesome!!! So excited for you!

  13. I've NEVER seen God come short on anything and He won't neither! He is a way maker! He's a creator and He does it well! I pray you all continuous BLESSINGS in Him!!! :)

  14. Congratulations! Sounds like a great transition. :)

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