Year in review.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

On the eve of my 24th birthday, I thought I'd take a few minutes to revisit my year as a 23-year-old. (I love having a blog to jog my memory!)

So here we go. A "year in review."

Started a blog.
Spent our first Valentine's day as sick as dogs (I kindly passed a virus along to Shawn). Hopefully this year won't be a repeat of that!
Took a pottery class and loved it. {Finished products here.}
Saw the Chicago River turn green for St. Patrick's Day.
Taught in an inner city school for a few difficult yet rewarding months.
Mourned the loss of a dear and inspiring family friend.
Learned about the intimate comfort God gives even in the midst of fear and pain.
Took a quick trip to Atlanta and visited old friends and met new ones.
Celebrated my incredible Mom and Dad.
Did lots of cooking and DIY projects (of course).
Tried to sew.
Lost my dear Grams. Heaven's gain.
Had a fun Chicago visit with Shawn's parents (for his graduation) and even got to celebrate Mama on Mother's Day in person!
Took a trip to Texas and enjoyed my best friend Jess and our sweet Texas family.
Watched little sis get married!
Loved on Pops.
Discovered my gluten intolerance and learned how to cook gluten-free.
Moved into an adorable yellow house on a farm. God's abundant blessing, once again.
Met a hero.
Found community.
Celebrated one year married to the love of my life.

Whew. Once again, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the people God has brought into my life and the beautiful ways He is moving.
I cannot wait to see what this year will hold!


  1. Happy Birthday Lil Whit! Hope you enjoy your day :)

  2. Happy belated b-day Whit, my long-lost roomie!

    P.S. I wanna see the Chicago River turn green.


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