Country living.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

I had a proud country girl moment a couple days ago. Side note: If you know me well, you know I'm far from a country girl. But I'm trying! Shawn and I won't live in the country forever, but for now, we're trying to make the most of it. :)

I realized I had tomato soup on our menu for the evening, but when I checked our refrigerator, we had one lonely tomato left. So I went out to check our garden, and guess what? We had 4 pounds of ripe tomatoes, ready to use!


Somehow, it's still so surprising to me that our garden even worked. And it also surprises me that near the end of October, we're still picking things from it almost daily. There are still lots of tomatoes on the vine, about 20 jalapeños almost ready to pick, and lots of green bell peppers. Shows how little I know about gardening. :)

On another side note, we really do live in a gorgeous place. This was our front yard one morning this week.
Come visit? :)


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