DIY boutique frames.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

One day while walking and boutique-hopping in downtown Franklin, my friend Kate and I spotted the most adorable frames. It was just that little $200 price tag that kept us from buying them... so we decided to try making them on our own!

My intentions were to document the step-by-step and post a tutorial so you could make your own. But as we were making these, I realized that without power tools and some power tool know-how, they're not the easiest things in the world. And ultimately, the time spent with my dear friend Kate was such a greater treasure than any DIY project out there.

We ended up spending no money at all as Kate's dad had all the plywood, stain, and tools we needed and we got the wallpaper samples for free!

Hope you like it!





  1. They really turned out so cute. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I think these are my favorite DIY thing you've done! :)

  3. These are GORGEOUS! I wish I had the resources to make some of my own :)

  4. Whitney, you are so talented. I enjoy looking at your blog. And, it was fun to see Kate and Don in this one :)

  5. The frames are so cute! :)

    I just found your blog a bit ago, and I look forward to trying out some of your DIY projects.

  6. Neat. That's often the case....."now, I know why it cost so much"....LOL


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