Room to breathe.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Our back yard this morning, looking like Fall
I had to take a little blogging break this past week. I've been in the middle of midterm exams (remember those?). They've all but consumed my life these past several days... waking up at 4am to study, drinking gallons of hot tea, watching youtube videos on glomerular filtration and studying hormone charts. Fun, huh? :)
I still have one test this week and another next week, but I have a little room to breathe on this long weekend and it feels SO good.

Here are a few little things I've got planned...
apple cider drinking
sweater wearing
test taking. but only one more!
walking in downtown Franklin
organizing my laundry room/pantry
grocery shopping
taking my time doing all of it... 

I am so ready. 

What are you doing to celebrate Fall?



  1. hey, friend! i do hope you get a chance to do all those fall-goodies...esp apple cidar drinking. mmmm. that's my fave! i wish we could wear sweaters down here in SC - but sigh, not yet.

    love and miss you, girl!

  2. I hear you sister--I have one huge midterm next week and I'm not looking forward to it.

    It's important to enjoy this fall weather so go enjoy! :)

  3. I love Nashville in the fall! :)

    To celebrate the start of the season (and my hubby's b-day) we went to Michigan a few weekends ago... apple picking and everything! It was lovely. There are some photos of it on my blog if you want to check it out sometime. Hope you enjoy all those Autumnal activities! I'll be apple pie-baking and apple butter-making tomorrow. :)


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