It's October!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fall is by far my favorite season, and I think it's safe to say it has officially arrived.
Fall 2009
A few things on my mind tonight:
1. I got to spend lots of the day with my dear friend who I've known since kindergarten. That in itself was a privilege - and a welcomed break from the crazy school week. We happened to do one of my favorite DIY projects to date. I'll be sure to post it here soon!
2. After a slight miscommunication with my hair stylist, I have bangs! See?
Photo on 2010-09-30 at 15.55 #2
The idea is growing on me, but I'm still getting used to it. Nothing like getting a brand new haircut then standing in front of 50 people and teaching them to paint that very same night. :)
3. I am determined to try meal planning for the entire month of October. I've done it very loosely in the past, but I think with our crazy schedules, it's the only option. Kirra has inspired me, and so has my husband's nightly meal of eggs and cereal when I'm away teaching. :(
4. Have you seen this blog:
You will love it. I am so inspired!
5. The other night I was abnormally stressed about my 2 major exams I had earlier this week, and my sweet husband asked, "What can I do for you?" He asks that a lot, and usually I say he can clean the kitchen or something which would help me a lot. This night, though, I said, "You could take me to Chicago." Next thing I know, he's booked us a hotel! We're going to Chicago at the end of next month as an early anniversary weekend and cannot WAIT!
6. Today is my sweet friend Ilene's birthday! Pop over to her [hijacked] blog and wish her a happy [belated] birthday!

Happy October 1 to you!


  1. thank you for the kind shout out :) lovely blog you have here! did you get my email about the mantle?

    lovin' the bangs :)


  2. aw whit!!!

    first, i LOVE the bangs! they look so good on you! i actually love the entire cut - it looks shorter than the last time i saw it!

    and gah i didn't see this until today - but thanks SO much for the bday wishes!!! that made me so happy.

    im also jealous you are going to chicago - hope you two have so much fun! take lots of pics. i can't wait to see them.

    love you, girl!!!

  3. your bangs are soo cute doll!! found your through ilene and i just ADORE your blog and shop!! new follower here!

  4. I'm excited about Fall too! ...though I had to get out of the city for the weekend to really enjoy it. :) Good luck with the meal-planning; I really need to work on that, myself. Let us know how it goes!


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