A 5-minute DIY for your Monday.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Happy Monday!
I did this very quick and simple DIY when I needed a study break over the weekend and thought I'd share it with you...

You start with a cardboard letter. I got mine from Hobby Lobby for $1.77 a while back and it's just been hanging out in my craft closet, waiting for a project. You also need a scrap of fabric that is a little larger than your letter.

Cut your fabric so it's a couple inches larger than your letter on all sides.

Then, with a hot glue gun, start wrapping the outside your letter in the fabric, gluing a little down at a time.


Your next step will be a little different for whatever letter you're working on. For the N, I cut the fabric here:
Then I just pulled each side tight and glued it in several places. I think to start out, it would be easiest to use letters without a lot of curves (if possible, of course!).

For the ends, just wrap the fabric over the letter like a present:

And that's it!

You could do so much with this little project, especially for a little kids' room or playroom. If you added the word "Imagine" or kids' names and hung them on the wall in different size letters with different fabrics... how cute would that be?!


  1. Very pretty! I love the fabric you used, too.
    I decoupaged J-O-Y for Christmas last year, but I really like the look of fabric for this. I'll have to try it next time!

    ♥ Bethany


  2. this is so cute! I love looking at all your ideas because they are so much simpler than i would probably make them. cute cute!
    you are like martha stewart, but in a much more proverbs 31-ish way. :) love your blog!

  3. Do show us where you use it! :-) :-) very nice!
    I need to do this for our HOUSE # :-)

  4. Whitney, I really like that fabric and would love to know where you got it. Also, I've done this exact same thing with scrap-book paper for simple but fun and personal (not to mention inexpensive) birthday gifts. It's a fantastic project.

  5. love love this!! so cute, and easy is always nice! this would make a lovely wedding happy! thanks so much for sharing all your wonderful ideas! :)

  6. Very cute. I smiled when I read this because I had JUST made one of this, but with paper and Modpodge instead of fabric.

  7. I'd love to hang out with you two ladies in franklin! lets pick a day...ellie and i are totally up for it! :)


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