Joe Naturals.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Shawn and I have a very favorite restaurant that if you visit us in Nashville, we'll definitely take you there (incentive?). :) It's actually in a little town called Leiper's Fork just south of us that is beyond precious. It looks like a movie set, it's so quaint and Southern, but it's real. It feels like time slows down a little when you're there, and it's just what Saturday calls for on lots of weekends.

The front porch, complete with rocking chairs that are usually occupied.
Joe Naturals is our kind of restaurant. Locally grown, organic food - even gluten-free options! - that you just feel good about eating. And everyone I've talked to say that their burgers are the best in town. They make you feel like family, too, just like a good Southern restaurant should. :)

The view out back.
The veggie bowl: full of locally grown veggies, topped with homemade hummus and balsamic vinegar.
Shawn's favorite burger.


  1. looks yummy! we'll have to try it!

  2. oh man - i want to try their burgers! please take me here if i ever finally make the trip to TN! :)

  3. Hmm...I'd never heard of this! I must go.

  4. oh my gosh, that veggie bowl sounds so good. since i can't get there myself is it replicable? is replicable a word? basically, i want to make it. do they sautee the veg's or are they raw? yum.

  5. I've been wanting to try that place. Now you have officially convinced me! Looks so good!

  6. I ALLLWAYS talk about this place since you took me here! Seriously. I'm always telling people that the best burger I've ever had was in a tiny town in TN with my friend Whitney. :) Man. I wish I could have one right now!

  7. I've only ever heard good things about nashville resteraunts.I hope I'lll have the chance to check it out someday!! (love all the photos)

  8. I will have to put that one on my list-looks delicious your blog is ever the source of positive inspiration. blessings!


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