Happy Memorial Day!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Picnics on Memorial Day weekend just feel so appropriate. And so American. 

This weekend, with the stunning weather we had in Nashville, we introduced Liam to his first ever picnic. He liked it for the most part. He definitely enjoyed crawling off the blanket and putting fistfuls of grass in his mouth. (Later, when he spit up a little bit in the bath, there were a couple tiny pieces of grass in it. Awesome.)

We took way too many pictures to document Liam's first picnic and the gorgeous weather, so just indulge me. :)

Happy Memorial Day to you! I hope you take a moment to celebrate the men and women who have given their lives in service to our country so that we can enjoy the freedom that we do. 

PS - Speaking of Memorial Day, have you guys read Unbroken? I started it a few days ago and can't put it down. Louis Zamperini has one incredible story, and it makes me so thankful for his generation who gave so much in World War II. I recommend it for anyone... go pick it up!


  1. You are hereby
    INDULGED! :-) :-) :-) :-) Just ask me ANYtime & I will be GLAD to grant it! ha! LOVE YOU ALL!

  2. I read that book and adored it. Just wait until you get to the end! :)

  3. Unbroken is so good...couldn't put it down!

  4. I MISS YOU GUYS! And Unbroken- yes! Gah.

  5. Beautiful! You look so great - I love your hair color, by the way. Polos were designed for Liam, I've decided. He is too cute.

  6. What a beautiful place for a picnic! beautiful pictures!! God bless, Leilani

  7. You guys look awesome together!! You particularly Whitney, such a beautiful young Mum! God bless you all!

  8. What a beautiful picnic spot! And yes to Unbroken.... SO good!

  9. I just finished 9th grade and I read Unbroken for a WWII project... It is an AMAZING book and I got so much out of it! I hope you enjoy it! Also, these picnic pics are super cute :)

  10. Whitney, so random, but I love your striped shirt. Can you share where it's from? Love the place you chose for your picnic!


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