
Monday, May 20, 2013

Just about anything I have to say tonight feels somewhat petty in light of what's happening in Oklahoma right now. Our prayers go out to them - especially the parents who are not tucking in their little ones tonight. I can't even imagine.

So with no more words, here are some photos from our trip to Florida. Our (found!) camera arrived in the mail this morning, and I am so thankful to have these sweet reminders of how blessed we are with family.


  1. So glad your camera found its way home! Beautiful photos xx

  2. Hi, Whitney! So happy to see your smiling family :) God bless you and may all of you be healthy and happy always!

    I read about Oklahoma and it is a really sad news...

  3. I am so glad that your camera was found. Those photographs truly are special and will be treasured for many years to come.
    Praying with you for all those who lost loved ones in Oklahoma...

    Love In Christ,

  4. Beautiful Florida family! The earrings look just perfect on you. :) I love Liam's facial features - it's like I can already picture his face as a teenager or man. Praying for you!


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